
    心涛:洋洋,今天中午咱们一起吃饭吧。    洋洋:好呀,吃什么呢?    心涛:你来我们家吃饺子吧。    洋洋:真看不出来,你还会包饺子啊!    心涛:你可别忘了,我有个美食家女朋友!除了要带她出去尝遍各地美食,我还得自己学两招,这样才能拴住她的胃啊。    洋洋:你对女朋友真好!你为了她都学了哪些菜式啊?    心涛:我女朋友各地的菜都喜欢,所以我就学了中国北方的饺子、面条,还学了川菜里的麻婆豆腐、水煮肉片。过段日子我还打算去学做西餐。我女朋友可喜欢吃西式糕点了,像芝士蛋糕啊、西米露啊、芒果慕斯啊,我每次带她去吃美食的时候她都高兴得不得了。    洋洋:你看你,一说起你女朋友和吃的来就两眼放光。    心涛:呵呵,不好意思,让你见笑了。对了,你喜欢吃什么馅的饺子?    洋洋:猪肉白菜、猪肉大葱、韭菜鸡蛋的我都喜欢。    心涛:行,那我就包韭菜鸡蛋和猪肉莲藕馅的吧,我女朋友喜欢猪肉莲藕馅的。    洋洋:好啊,就听你这个二十四孝男朋友的。    心涛:恩,那我现在去市场买韭菜、猪肉、莲藕和饺子皮,鸡蛋家里还有。你十一点半的时候直接来我家吃就行了。    洋洋:原来你是买饺子皮,不是自己擀皮儿啊?    心涛:我擀皮儿擀得不好,而且可慢了。所以还是直接买吧,很方便。    洋洋:方便是方便,但是买的那种饺子皮太厚了,吃起来口感不好。你们家有擀面杖吗?有的话我来擀皮儿吧。我来吃饭也得做点儿贡献嘛。    心涛:原来你会擀饺子皮儿啊!太厉害了!    洋洋:那是当然,你可别小瞧我了,我可是擀皮儿高手呢!    心涛:那我可得好好跟你学学了。你十点半的时候过来吧,我先学手艺,然后再请你吃饭啊!    洋洋:呵呵,没问题。那就十点半你家见。    心涛:好,待会儿见。     XT: Yang Yang, let's have lunch together today.
YY: Sure, what do you wanna eat?
XT: How about if you come over to my place for jiaozi?
YY: You know how to make (lit. wrap) jiaozi? I never knew that!
XT: Don't forget that my girlfriend's a gourmet! I have to bring her all over the place to try out the local delicacies, and on top of that, I even had to learn a few techniques by myself, only then could I secure her heart (lit. stomach)!
YY: That's so sweet of you! For her, which culinary style did you learn?
XT: My girlfriend loves all kinds of cuisines, so I learned how to make northern China's jiaozi and noodles, and I also learned how to make Szechuan's Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce) and Poached Beef Slices in Hot Chili Oil (lit. poached meat slices). I also intend to learn some western cuisine in the near future. She really loves those western style desserts like cheesecake, sago cream, mango mousse. She'll be beaming with joy every time I bring her out for culinary delicacies.
YY: Look at you, [all I did was] mention your girlfriend and food and your eyes are all gleaming.
XT: Aww, that's so embarrassing, I just made a fool of myself. Say, what kind of filling would you like for your jiaozi?
YY: [Jiaozi stuffed with] pork and Chinese cabbage, [jiaozi stuffed with] pork and scallion, [Jiaozi stuffed with] leeks and eggs, I love them all.
XT: Got it, I'll make [jiaozi stuffed with] leeks and eggs, and [jiaozi stuffed with] pork and lotus roots, my girlfriend loves that one.
YY: Sure, anything you say, you're the perfect boyfriend.
XT: I better go shop for leeks, pork, lotus roots and dumpling wrappers (aka dumpling skin). I have some eggs at home. It'll be great if you can come over to my place at 11:30, then we can feast.
YY: So you're actually gonna buy [ready-made] dumpling wrappers. Aren't you making the wrappers? (lit. Aren't you gonna roll out the dough to make the wrappers?)
XT: I'm not really skilled at making the wrappers, and moreover, I'm really slow at it. So it's more convenient to just buy it.
YY: Well, it's true that it's (more) convenient, but those ready-made dumpling wrappers are much too thick, it doesn't taste as good. Do you have a rolling-pin at home? If you have, I can come over and make the dumpling wrappers. Since I'm coming over to eat, I should also help out (lit. make some contributions.)
XT: Oh, so it turns out that you know how to make dumpling wrappers! That's awesome!
YY: Of course, now don't you underestimate me, I'm an expert at making dumpling wrappers!
XT: Ah, I should really learn from you. [In that case] you can come over at 10:30, first I'll learn the art (lit. hand craft), then I'll treat you to lunch!
YY: Hehe, no problem. I'll be there at 10:30.
XT: Great, see you later.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Will you learn how to cook just for your sweetheart? What are your specialty dishes? In China, whenever we're celebrating the New Year's or any other festivals, people like to eat jiaozi. Do you know how to make them? Today, let's make some jiaozi together with Yang Yang and Xin Tao. Lesson Content: XT: Yang Yang, let's have lunch together today.
YY: Sure, what do you wanna eat?
XT: How about if you come over to my place for jiaozi?
YY: You know how to make (lit. wrap) jiaozi? I never knew that!
XT: Don't forget that my girlfriend's a gourmet! I have to bring her all over the place to try out the local delicacies, and on top of that, I even had to learn a few techniques by myself, only then could I secure her heart (lit. stomach)!
YY: That's so sweet of you! For her, which culinary style did you learn?
XT: My girlfriend loves all kinds of cuisines, so I learned how to make northern China's jiaozi and noodles, and I also learned how to make Szechuan's Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce) and Poached Beef Slices in Hot Chili Oil (lit. poached meat slices). I also intend to learn some western cuisine in the near future. She really loves those western style desserts like cheesecake, sago cream, mango mousse. She'll be beaming with joy every time I bring her out for culinary delicacies.
YY: Look at you, [all I did was] mention your girlfriend and food and your eyes are all gleaming.
XT: Aww, that's so embarrassing, I just made a fool of myself. Say, what kind of filling would you like for your jiaozi?
YY: [Jiaozi stuffed with] pork and Chinese cabbage, [jiaozi stuffed with] pork and scallion, [Jiaozi stuffed with] leeks and eggs, I love them all.
XT: Got it, I'll make [jiaozi stuffed with] leeks and eggs, and [jiaozi stuffed with] pork and lotus roots, my girlfriend loves that one.
YY: Sure, anything you say, you're the perfect boyfriend.
XT: I better go shop for leeks, pork, lotus roots and dumpling wrappers (aka dumpling skin). I have some eggs at home. It'll be great if you can come over to my place at 11:30, then we can feast.
YY: So you're actually gonna buy [ready-made] dumpling wrappers. Aren't you making the wrappers? (lit. Aren't you gonna roll out the dough to make the wrappers?)
XT: I'm not really skilled at making the wrappers, and moreover, I'm really slow at it. So it's more convenient to just buy it.
YY: Well, it's true that it's (more) convenient, but those ready-made dumpling wrappers are much too thick, it doesn't taste as good. Do you have a rolling-pin at home? If you have, I can come over and make the dumpling wrappers. Since I'm coming over to eat, I should also help out (lit. make some contributions.)
XT: Oh, so it turns out that you know how to make dumpling wrappers! That's awesome!
YY: Of course, now don't you underestimate me, I'm an expert at making dumpling wrappers!
XT: Ah, I should really learn from you. [In that case] you can come over at 10:30, first I'll learn the art (lit. hand craft) of it, then I'll treat you to lunch!
YY: Hehe, no problem. I'll be there at 10:30.
XT: Great, see you later.