
    中国的饮食,在世界上是享有盛誉的。华侨和华裔在海外谋生,经营最为普遍的产业就是餐饮业,有华人的地方就有中国餐馆,中国餐馆已经登陆欧美,遍布全球。    一谈到中国饮食文化,许多人会对中国食谱以及中国菜的色、香、味、形赞不绝口。中国饮食文化的形成和中国的历史文化密不可分。    中国人自古以来就以谷物为主,肉少粮多,辅之以蔬菜,这就是典型的中国饭菜的结构。其中饭是主食,而菜则是为了下饭。既然主食不好吃,那么辅佐的菜必须好吃。菜的功能是下饭,那么对于加工菜的烹饪方法就十分讲究。要让菜变得好吃可口,就要想方设法地装点饮食,使不可口的食物变得精妙绝伦。同时,中国人的食谱极其广泛,除了猪肉、牛肉、羊肉,还有很多西方人看来不可食用的物品,例如动物的内脏、鸡鸭的爪子、树上的虫子等,经过烹调,都可变为餐桌上的美味佳肴。 Chinese food enjoys a flourishing reputation all over the world. The food and beverages industry is one of the most widespread of industries operated by overseas Chinese and non-Chinese citizens of Chinese ancestry making their livelihood abroad. Wherever there are Chinese people, there will be Chinese restaurants, and these Chinese restaurants have already made their way to Europe, America and everywhere across the globe.

At the mention of Chinese food culture, many people will have endless praises to sing of Chinese recipes and Chinese cuisine -- its appearance, its aroma, and its taste. The formation of Chinese food culture has such a close connection with the cultural history of China that they are basically inseparable.

From of old, grains have been the staple food of the Chinese people, and so a small portion of meat and a large portion of grains complemented with vegetables would be the typicalcomposition of a Chinese meal. Among them, rice is the basic food while the dishes are meant to be eaten with the rice. Since the staple food is rather bland, it is necessary that the dishes accompanying it be tasty. And since the function of the dishes is to go with the rice, the cooking and preparation of these dishes become an extremely fastidious process. In order to make the dishes delectable, people had to think of all possible methods to spice up the food, to turn the unpalatable food into a meal that is scrumptious beyond compare. At the same time, the Chinese people have an extensive range of diet. Apart from pork, beef, and mutton, there are also other foods which are considered inedible in the eyes of Westerners, for instance, the internal organs of animals, chicken and duck feet [lit. claw], tree insects, etc. All of these can be transformed by the cooking process into delicious delicacies served on the dinner table.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Chinese food culture has its own distinct characteristics. Do you know how these characteristics came about? Let's tune in to today's lesson and find out. Lesson Content: Chinese food enjoys a flourishing reputation all over the world. The food and beverages industry is one of the most widespread of industries operated by overseas Chinese and non-Chinese citizens of Chinese ancestry making their livelihood abroad. Wherever there are Chinese people, there will be Chinese restaurants, and these Chinese restaurants have already made their way to Europe, America and everywhere across the globe.

At the mention of Chinese food culture, many people will have endless praises to sing of Chinese recipes and Chinese cuisine -- its appearance, its aroma, and its taste. The formation of Chinese food culture has such a close connection with the cultural history of China that they are basically inseparable.

From of old, grains have been the staple food of the Chinese people, and so a small portion of meat and a large portion of grains complemented with vegetables would be the typicalcomposition of a Chinese meal. Among them, rice is the basic food while the dishes are meant to be eaten with the rice. Since the staple food is rather bland, it is necessary that the dishes accompanying it be tasty. And since the function of the dishes is to go with the rice, the cooking and preparation of these dishes become an extremely fastidious process. In order to make the dishes delectable, people had to think of all possible methods to spice up the food, to turn the unpalatable food into a meal that is scrumptious beyond compare. At the same time, the Chinese people have an extensive range of diet. Apart from pork, beef, and mutton, there are also other foods which are considered inedible in the eyes of Westerners, for instance, the internal organs of animals, chicken and duck feet [lit. claw], tree insects, etc. All of these can be transformed by the cooking process into delicious delicacies served on the dinner table.