
    北京的春天很短。也许你刚刚发现颐和园的柳条上长出了嫩芽,一眨眼功夫,夏天就悄悄地到来了。北京春天的气温很适合进行户外运动。在温暖的阳光下,和朋友一起去划划船,登登山,逛逛公园将是一件很愉快的事。但令人讨厌的是,北京的春天往往会有沙尘暴。一刮起沙尘暴,大风和黄沙就包围了整个城市。这时候,出门都很困难,更别提进行户外运动了。     Spring in Beijing is very short. Maybe you will have just discovered the soft shoots of willows sprouting at the Summer Palace, with one spurt, summer quietly arrives. Spring in Beijing has a very comfortable temperature, and is suitable for outdoor exercise. In the warmth of the sunshine, it is very pleasant to go row a boat, climb some mountains, stroll a park with friends. But what can be troublesome about Beijing's springs is that there will frequently be sandstorms. With one blow of the sandstorm, a big gust and yellow sand will surround an entire city. In times like these, it is very difficult to go out, let alone do outdoor sports.


Lesson Summary:
From the beginning of this lesson, we must introduce Beijing's four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, fall. Beijing's spring is very short, and while you should avoid being scraped by sandstroms, going outdoors to exercise is not a bad decision. Okay, let's start the lesson on spring in Beijing. Lesson Content: Spring in Beijing is very short. Maybe you will have just discovered the soft shoots of willows sprouting at the Summer Palace, with one spurt, summer quietly arrives. Spring in Beijing has a very comfortable temperature, and is suitable for outdoor exercise. In the warmth of the sunshine, it is very pleasant to go row a boat, climb some mountains, stroll a park with friends. But what can be troublesome about Beijing's springs is that there will frequently be sandstorms. With one blow of the sandstorm, a big gust and yellow sand will surround an entire city. In times like these, it is very difficult to go out, let alone do outdoor sports.