
    秋天是北京一年之中最棒的季节,既美丽又可口。说它美丽,是因为这时候,钓鱼台有黄灿灿的银杏树,香山有红艳艳的枫叶,陶然亭有白茫茫的芦花,到处都有美不胜收的景色。说它可口,是因为这时候可以大饱口福,有水灵灵的鸭梨,有甜滋滋的柿子,还有香喷喷的糖炒栗子。 Autumn in Bei Jing is the best season in one year, both beautiful and delicious. As to beautiful, at this time, there are golden maidenhair trees around Diaoyutai, bright red maples in Fragrance Hill, snow white reed flower in Taoranting Park. Beautiful spotsights can be found everywhere. As to deliciouse, at this time, you can taste many good food, such as juicy pear, sweat persimmon and appetizing chestnut roasted with sugar.

Lesson Summary:
Autumn is the best season of the year. It is beautiful, and delicious. So what is ultimately the beauty and deliciousness? Let us listen to the lesson, and learn a little of the colorful expressions of the text. Lesson Content: Autumn is the most amazing season of the year in Beijing, both in beauty and succulence. When mentioning beauty, we mean the Daioyutai's golden Gingko trees, Fragrance Hill's (Park in Beijing) bright red maple leaves, Taoranting's starkly expanse reeds and flowers, and the unfathomably beautiful scenery everywhere else. We mention succulence, because around this time, one can eat his or her fill of immediate supplies of water from a guard, intensely sweet persimmons, and aromatic, roasted sugary chestnuts.