
    北京的冬天,外冷内热。室外气温低,室内气温高。如果要出门,就要穿着厚厚的外套,戴着围巾和手套,但在室内,穿夏天的衣服都没问题。 冬天,老北京涮羊肉火锅店总是人声鼎沸。切得薄薄的羊肉在火锅里一烫,嫩嫩的,再蘸上香喷喷的芝麻酱,嗯,味道好极了。 Winter in Bei Jing is cold outside but warm inside. The temperature outdoor is low, while indoor is pretty high. If you want to go out, you need to wear cold coat, muffler and golves. But if you stay at home, it's ok to wear summery's dress. In winter, the instant-boiled mutton restaurants of Lao Bei Jing are usually crowded. Put the thin-cut mutton piece into the hot pot, tenderly, with the appetizing sesame soy, emmm... how delicious!

Lesson Summary:
Winter in Beijing is very cold. But there is tempting food, instant-boiled mutton. It is really delicious. Come quickly and have a look! Lesson Content: Beijing is cold outside and warm inside in winter. Temperature outside is low and inside is high. If heading out, (you) need to wear very thick winter jack, wear scarf and gloves. But inside the room, you can even wear summer clothes. In winter, Old Beijing instant-boiled mutton restaurants are always a hubbub of voices. Boil a thin slice of mutton in the hotpot for a few seconds, the mutton will be very tender. Then dip it into sesame paste. Hmm, so tasty!