
    汉生:乐乐, 你怎么感冒了?    乐乐:这几天忽冷忽热的,一不小心就感冒了。    汉生:这几天的天气是挺反常的,刚刚还晴空万里,看,现在又乌云密布了。    乐乐:对呀,前天天气预报说昨天晴天,气温也不低,我就高高兴兴地穿了裙子,哪里想到下午就变天了,冻得我全身发抖。这不,今天就感冒了。    汉生:对付这种天气,还是多穿点好。     Han Sheng:Le Le, how did you get cold?
Le Le:The temperature changes from time to time these days. I got cold because of my carelessness.
Han Sheng: The weather is quite abnormal.Just now it's shining sunny. But now it's full of heavy clouds.
Le Le:Right.The day before yesterday weather forecast said it's sunny yesterday and the temperature is not low. I dressed a skirt happily. Who knows it changed that afternoon. I shaked all over because of the cold. Therefore, I got cold.
Han Sheng:It's better to wear warm in such weather.

Le Le:

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