
    北京,晴,-6~9℃    哈尔滨,晴,-19~-4℃    呼和浩特,晴转多云,-8~3℃    乌鲁木齐,雾转多云,-10~-2℃    西宁,小雪,-9~1℃    西安,阴转雨夹雪,1~7℃    拉萨,阵雪转多云,-3~11℃    成都,阴转小雨,5~9℃    昆明,晴,6~19℃    上海,阴转多云,2~6℃    福州,小雨转阵雨,9~12℃    海口,小雨,16~21℃    广州,雾转小雨,10~15℃     Beijing, sunny, -6~9℃
Haerbin, sunny, -19~-4℃
Huhehaote, from sunny to cloudy,-8~3℃
Ulumuqi, from fog to cloudy, -10~-2℃
Xi'ning, little snow, -9~1℃
Xi'an, from cloudy to sleet, 1~7℃
Lhasa, from snow showers to cloudy, -3~11℃
Chengdu, from couldy to drizzle, 5~9℃
Kunming, sunny, 6~19℃
Shanghai, from overcast to cloudy, 2~6℃
Fuzhou, from drizzle to shower, 9~12℃
Haikou, drizzle, 16~21℃
Guangzhou, from fog to drizzle, 10~15℃

Lesson Summary:
If you're going for a picnic tomorrow, don't forget to have weather forecast. Lesson Content: Beijing, sunny, -6~9℃
Haerbin, sunny, -19~-4℃
Huhehaote, from sunny to cloudy,-8~3℃
Ulumuqi, from fog to cloudy, -10~-2℃
Xi'ning, little snow, -9~1℃
Xi'an, from cloudy to sleet, 1~7℃
Lhasa, from snow showers to cloudy, -3~11℃
Chengdu, from couldy to drizzle, 5~9℃
Kunming, sunny, 6~19℃
Shanghai, from overcast to cloudy, 2~6℃
Fuzhou, from drizzle to shower, 9~12℃
Haikou, drizzle, 16~21℃
Guangzhou, from fog to drizzle, 10~15℃