
    汉生:不好意思,让你们久等了!    乐乐:你怎么才来啊!我和小马都等了你半个小时了!    汉生:路上堵车,只能干着急,一点办法也没有。实在抱歉!小马,好久不见了,最近挺好的吧?    小马:还可以。我刚才听乐乐说你最近特别忙。    汉生:也是瞎忙,都是些乱七八糟的事。    小马:现在不是早高峰也不是晚高峰,怎么也堵车啊?    汉生:你大部分时间在外地出差,不知道,现在北京的高峰哪还分什么早晚啊,从早到晚都是高峰!什么时候都堵!    小马:不是都限行、限牌了吗?都没效果吗?    乐乐:快别提了!不限的时候感觉还没那么堵,限了以后反而更堵了,越限越堵。你说奇怪不奇怪?    小马:这两年北京的公共交通不是发展得挺快吗?应该能缓解一些交通拥堵的压力吧?    汉生:没错。公交线路增加了不少,票价也已经降得很低了。地铁发展得更快,新开通了很多线路,方便多了,但是人也突然多起来了,高峰时人多得就跟煮饺子似的,甚至都挤不上车。真是"地上堵地下挤"!    乐乐:我看到一份调查问卷,据说工作日很多白领每天堵车时间长达6个小时,比睡觉时间还长!甚至连周末开车外出游玩散心,平均堵车都要3个小时以上,这哪是去散心啊,简直就是去添堵!    汉生:是啊,就因为堵车,得白白浪费多少时间啊!现在工作和生活的时间成本太高了!    小马:堵车也几乎是所有大都市普遍存在的一个通病,可能北京这两年显得尤为突出。我倒是挺好奇的,堵车的时候你们怎么打发时间?一般都做什么啊?    乐乐:我常常会给家人朋友打电话、发短信。你们也知道,现在好像到处都流行"更新",大家都忙着去适应各种新事物、认识新朋友,不断地更新更新再更新,跟家人和那些老朋友联系、沟通的时间却越来越少了。堵车的时候,我就会常常给他们打个电话、发个短信,聊一聊近况,叙叙旧,或者只是简单地问侯一句,让他们知道我还想着他们,他们对我很重要。    汉生:看不出来你还这么重感情!我呢,一般会在车上放几本喜欢的书,堵车的时候就拿出来翻一翻。因为平时忙工作、忙应酬,忙这忙那的,看书的时间越来越少了。后来,我发现堵车的时候看书挺好的,书也看了,心里也不焦躁了,感觉时间过得挺快的。    乐乐:我也没看出来你还这么有文化!哎,小马,你堵车的时候都做什么啊?    小马:不怕你们见笑,我啊,一直都想提高自己的外语水平,但又没有时间去上课,平时练习的机会也有限,所以我就从网上下载一些学习材料,在上下班的路上或者等人的时候,我就随时拿出来听一听、学一学。这样既能学到东西,又方便、省钱,何乐而不为啊!    乐乐:你还别说,这还真是个一举两得的学习方法!    汉生:哎,怎么说着说着,堵车还成了一件好事了!     HS: Sorry to keep you all waiting!
LL: What took you so long! Xiao Ma and I have been waiting for more than half an hour!
HS: Traffic jam, there was nothing I could do except worry. I'm really sorry! Xiao Ma, we haven't met for ages, how've you been keeping?
XM: It's o.k., I heard from Le Le that you've been quite busy lately.
HS: Busy being busy, fussing over some messy issues.
XM: It's not the morning rush hour nor the evening rush hour, why is there a traffic jam?
HS: You're away on business trips most of the time, what do you know? Nowadays in Beijing, we don't talk of morning rush hour or evening rush hour anymore. It's rush hour the whole day! The traffic's congested all the time!
XM: Isn't there restricted driving, restriction based on car registration? Is it effective?
LL: Aww, let's not talk about that! I think traffic wasn't so bad before the restriction, with the restriction, the traffic is just getting worse. Isn't it strange?
XM: I thought Beijing's public transportation improved a lot since the last two years? Shouldn't it take some pressure off the traffic congestion?
HS: It's true, the public transportation has more routes now and the fare is much cheaper too. The subwaysystem developed even faster, there's so many new lines, it's really convenient. But the crowds also suddenly grew larger, so during the rush hour, it's overcrowded, just like boiling dumplings, you can't even squeeze your way into the cabin. As it's said, "it's congested on ground (level), and it's crowded underground"!
LL: I saw a questionnaire, it reported that on a regular working day, many white collar workers experience about 6 hours of traffic jam, that's longer than our sleeping hours! Even on weekends, a leisurely drive out sees on average 3 hours or more of traffic jam. How can we consider it leisurely, it's outright adding to the traffic jam!
HS: Yep, we waste so much time just because of traffic jams! Nowadays the time cost of working and making a living is just too high!
XM: It seems that traffic jam is a prevalent problem, common in all large cities. Maybe it's more obvious in Beijing the past two years. I'm quite curious, how do you pass time when you're caught in a traffic jam? What do you normally do?
LL: I normally call my family or friends,or send them S.M.S. We all know that nowadays it's very trendy to keep yourself "updated", everyone's busy getting acquainted with new things, getting to know new friends, it's about getting updated continuously, over and over again, which leaves us with less time for keeping in touch with family and old friends. When there's a traffic jam, I'll call them, send them S.M.S., chat about the latest happenings, catch up with the good old days, or maybe simply just to see how everyone's been keeping, let them know that they're important to us.
HS: I never knew you cared so much about relationships. As for me, I normally keep a few of my favorite books in the car, when there's a traffic jam, I'll just browse through them. I'm normally so busy with social obligations, busy with this and busy with that, I don't have much time to read. Later, I realized that traffic jam is a good time to read books, it quells the mind and time seems to fly by.
LL: I never knew you're so cultured! Sigh, Xiao Ma, what do you do when there's a traffic jam?
Don't laugh o.k., all this while I've been wanting to upgrade my skills in a foreign language, but I don't have the time to attend classes, and there's hardly any time to practice, so I just go online and download some learning materials. When I'm on the road or waiting for someone, I'll just listen to them and learn. This way, I can learn new things, it's convenient, saves money and also fun!
LL: You needn't say more, you're killing two birds with one stone!
HS: Sigh, after all this talk, why does it seem that traffic jam is a good happening!

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
It's really vexing to be caught in a traffic jam. How would you cheer yourself up? Let's tune in and find out how Han Sheng and his friends cheer themselves up. Lesson Content: HS: Sorry to keep you all waiting!
LL: What took you so long! Xiao Ma and I have been waiting for more than half an hour!
HS: Traffic jam, there was nothing I could do except worry. I'm really sorry! Xiao Ma, we haven't met for ages, how've you been keeping?
XM: It's o.k., I heard from Le Le that you've been quite busy lately.
HS: Busy being busy, fussing over some messy issues.
XM: It's not the morning rush hour nor the evening rush hour, why is there a traffic jam?
HS: You're away on business trips most of the time, what do you know? Nowadays in Beijing, we don't talk of morning rush hour or evening rush hour anymore. It's rush hour the whole day! The traffic's congested all the time!
XM: Isn't there restricted driving, restriction based on car registration? Is it effective?
LL: Aww, let's not talk about that! I think traffic wasn't so bad before the restriction, with the restriction, the traffic is just getting worse. Isn't it strange?
XM: I thought Beijing's public transportation improved a lot since the last two years? Shouldn't it take some pressure off the traffic congestion?
HS: It's true, the public transportation has more routes now and the fare is much cheaper too. The subwaysystem developed even faster, there's so many new lines, it's really convenient. But the crowds also suddenly grew larger, so during the rush hour, it's overcrowded, just like boiling dumplings, you can't even squeeze your way into the cabin. As it's said, "it's congested on ground (level), and it's crowded underground"!
LL: I saw a questionnaire, it reported that on a regular working day, many white collar workers experience about 6 hours of traffic jam, that's longer than our sleeping hours! Even on weekends, a leisurely drive out sees on average 3 hours or more of traffic jam. How can we consider it leisurely, it's outright adding to the traffic jam!
HS: Yep, we waste so much time just because of traffic jams! Nowadays the time cost of working and making a living is just too high!
XM: It seems that traffic jam is a prevalent problem, common in all large cities. Maybe it's more obvious in Beijing the past two years. I'm quite curious, how do you pass time when you're caught in a traffic jam? What do you normally do?
LL: I normally call my family or friends,or send them S.M.S. We all know that nowadays it's very trendy to keep yourself "updated", everyone's busy getting acquainted with new things, getting to know new friends, it's about getting updated continuously, over and over again, which leaves us with less time for keeping in touch with family and old friends. When there's a traffic jam, I'll call them, send them S.M.S., chat about the latest happenings, catch up with the good old days, or maybe simply just to see how everyone's been keeping, let them know that they're important to us.
HS: I never knew you cared so much about relationships. As for me, I normally keep a few of my favorite books in the car, when there's a traffic jam, I'll just browse through them. I'm normally so busy with social obligations, busy with this and busy with that, I don't have much time to read. Later, I realized that traffic jam is a good time to read books, it quells the mind and time seems to fly by.
LL: I never knew you're so cultured! Sigh, Xiao Ma, what do you do when there's a traffic jam?
Don't laugh o.k., all this while I've been wanting to upgrade my skills in a foreign language, but I don't have the time to attend classes, and there's hardly any time to practice, so I just go online and download some learning materials. When I'm on the road or waiting for someone, I'll just listen to them and learn. This way, I can learn new things, it's convenient, saves money and also fun!
LL: You needn't say more, you're killing two birds with one stone!
HS: Sigh, after all this talk, why does it seem that traffic jam is a good happening!