
    朋友们,你们还记得《功夫熊猫》(Kong Fu Panda)里那只体型肥硕、憨态可掬却梦想成为武功高手的熊猫阿宝吗?有的人因为这部电影喜欢上了大熊猫,但更多的人是因为喜欢大熊猫才去看的这部电影。    其实,作为中国的国宝,现实中的大熊猫比电影中的阿宝漂亮得多,也可爱得多。大熊猫的学名其实叫"猫熊",即"像猫一样的熊"。也就是说,这种动物本质上与熊类似,而外貌上与猫接近。那为什么现在人们都把她称为"熊猫"呢?1939年,重庆市举办了一次动物标本展览,其中"猫熊"的标本最引人注目。它的标牌采取了通行的国际书写格式,从左至右写为"猫熊",但当时中文的习惯读法是从右往左读,所以参观者以及记者都把"猫熊"读成了"熊猫"。久而久之,人们已经习惯了这一称呼,难以改正,于是也就将错就错,"大猫熊"便成了"大熊猫"。不管叫什么,她早已成为中国最受宠爱的动物了。    大熊猫大约起源于两三百万年前,与之同期的动物均已相继灭绝,只有大熊猫繁衍至今,并保持了原有的古老特征,因而被誉为"活化石"。但由于繁殖困难、环境恶化等原因,这一"活化石"一直处于极度濒危状态。根据中国国家林业局2006年的调查,目前全国共有野生大熊猫1596只,圈养大熊猫161只。    由于大熊猫异常珍稀,而且广受世界各地人们的喜爱,所以世界自然基金会(WWF)将其作为该组织的标志,以更好地引起人们对自然保护的关注。     My dear friends, do you remember A Bao of Kung Fu Panda, the simple-minded and sincere, rotund panda who dreamed of becoming a martial arts expert? Some of the people who went to watch this movie did so because of their love for pandas, while many others fell in love with pandas after watching this movie.

Actually, the real-life panda, which is a national treasure of China, is more beautiful than the one in the movie, and it is much cuter too. The scientific name for the panda i.e. the xióng māo, is māo xióng, meaning "a bear that looks like a cat"; that is to say, essentially this animal is similar to a bear, but its features resembles a cat's. So how did it become known as the xióng māo? In 1939, Chongqing city organized an animal exhibition, and among the specimens on exhibit, the giant panda generated the most attention. The label for the panda was māo xióng, in line with the writingsystem widely-used internationally, i.e. from left-to-right. However, at that time the Chinese language was read from right-to-left, so visitors and journalists alike misread "māo xióng" as "xióng māo". Over time, people got accustomed to it and this was difficult to correct. So the name was adapted from "dà māo xióng" to "dà xióng māo". Regardless of what she is called, she has long been the animal most doted upon in China.

The origins of the giant panda can be traced back to as far as two to three million years ago where animals from that period are now extinct, and only the giant panda has continued to breed until today, retaining its original, age-old characteristics, and resulting in its reputation of being known as a "living fossil." However, this living fossil has always been critically endangered, due to various reasons such as difficulty in breeding and environmental degradation. According to China's National Forestry Bureau, a survey carried out in 2006 revealed that the entire country currently has 1,596 giant pandas in the wild and 161 giant pandas in captivity.

Due to the panda being exceptionally precious and rare, and also because people of the world are fond of it, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) uses it as the symbol of their organization, for it can better draw people's attention towards protection of wildlife.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
At the mention of China, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the adorable giant panda definitely comes to mind. Lesson Content: My dear friends, do you remember A Bao of Kung Fu Panda, the simple-minded and sincere, rotund panda who dreamed of becoming a martial arts expert? Some of the people who went to watch this animated film did so because of their love for pandas, while many others fell in love with pandas after watching it.

Actually, the real-life panda, which is a national treasure of China, is more beautiful than the one in the animated film, and it is much cuter too. The scientific name for the panda i.e. the xióng māo, is māo xióng, meaning "a bear that looks like a cat"; that is to say, essentially this animal is similar to a bear, but its features resembles a cat's. So how did it become known as the xióng māo? In 1939, Chongqing city organized an animal exhibition, and among the specimens on exhibit, the giant panda generated the most attention. The label for the panda was māo xióng, in line with the writingsystem widely-used internationally, i.e. from left-to-right. However, at that time the Chinese language was read from right-to-left, so visitors and journalists alike misread "māo xióng" as "xióng māo". Over time, people got accustomed to it and this was difficult to correct. So the name was adapted from "dà māo xióng" to "dà xióng māo". Regardless of what she is called, she has long been the animal most doted upon in China.

The origins of the giant panda can be traced back to as far as two to three million years ago where animals from that period are now extinct, and only the giant panda has continued to breed until today, retaining its original, age-old characteristics, and resulting in its reputation of being known as a "living fossil." However, this living fossil has always been critically endangered, due to various reasons such as difficulty in breeding and environmental degradation. According to China's National Forestry Bureau, a survey carried out in 2006 revealed that the entire country currently has 1,596 giant pandas in the wild and 161 giant pandas in captivity.

Due to the panda being exceptionally precious and rare, and also because people of the world are fond of it, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) uses it as the symbol of their organization, for it can better draw people's attention towards protection of wildlife.