
    中国的公共厕所名声一直不好,不过不知道最近发布的这个标准是否有助于改善大家对中国公厕的印象。    21日,北京市发布了《北京市主要行业公厕管理服务工作标准》。其中规定,公厕内的苍蝇不能超过两只。这里的"行业公厕",是指公园、旅游区、旅游饭店、长途汽车首末站、轨道交通站、飞机场、火车站,还有医院、商场、超市等人员集散场所的公厕。    标准要求,公厕开放时间应与场所开放时间同步,有条件的可适当延长。公厕应整洁有序,必须每天消毒。公厕提供的卫生纸、皂液必须及时补充。    公厕卫生保洁3项控制指标分别为:废弃物不超过两个,废弃物停滞时间不超过30分钟,苍蝇不超过两只。该标准还对公厕内臭味等级进行规定。公厕内广告不得影响公厕的使用功能,不得影响公厕内的观瞻,广告内容必须合法。    公厕设施损坏,须半小时内到场维修,小修项目立即修复,难度较大的须在12小时内修复。修复时间超过24小时的,需公示维修期限,并须指明附近公厕的位置。     China's public toilets have always been notoriously filthy, but it is still too early to know whether this recent ruling will be of any use in improving everyone's negativeimpression of China's public toilets.

On the 21st, Beijing issued a new ruling, "Standards for Management of Public Toilets for Essential Facilities." Among the new regulations, it is stipulated that there must be no more than two flies in public toilets. Here, "Public Toilets for Essential Facilities" refer to public toilets for parks, tourist attractions, tourist hotels, long-distance bus stations, subway stations, airports, and train stations. Also included are public toilets for hospitals, malls, supermarkets and other places where the general public come and go.

The ruling requires that opening hours for the public toilets be synchronized with the opening hours of the respective public locales, and where suitable, the hours be extended as required. Public toilets ought to be clean and tidy, and must be disinfected daily. Toilet paper and liquid soap provided by the public toilets must be promptly replenished.

Three guidelines are employed to control the cleanliness and sanitation of public toilets: there must be no more than two pieces of rubbish lying around, the rubbish bin must be cleared within 30 minutes, and there can be no more than two flies. The ruling also provides for the degree of stench in public toilets. Advertisements must not interfere with the functioning and usage of the public toilets, it must not ruin the interior view of the toilet and its contents must be legal.

Where facilities of the public toilets are damaged, it should be repaired on-site within half an hour. Small repairs should be completed immediately while bigger repairs should be completed within twelve hours. Where repair works exceed 24 hours, the period for maintenance must be publicly disclosed and the location to closest public toilet must also be indicated.

Lesson Summary:
Public toilets play a very important role in our lives, especially when we out and about with our daily activities; and so, Beijing officially implemented a new ruling for public toilets within the city. Lesson Content: China's public toilets have always been notoriously filthy, but it is still too early to know whether this recent ruling will be of any use in improving everyone's negativeimpression of China's public toilets.

On the 21st, Beijing issued a new ruling, "Standards for Management of Public Toilets for Essential Facilities." Among the new regulations, it is stipulated that there must be no more than two flies in public toilets. Here, "Public Toilets for Essential Facilities" refer to public toilets for parks, tourist attractions, tourist hotels, long-distance bus stations, subway stations, airports, and train stations. Also included are public toilets for hospitals, malls, supermarkets and other places where the general public come and go.

The ruling requires that opening hours for the public toilets be synchronized with the opening hours of the respective public locales, and where suitable, the hours be extended as required. Public toilets ought to be clean and tidy, and must be disinfected daily. Toilet paper and liquid soap provided by the public toilets must be promptly replenished.

Three guidelines are employed to control the cleanliness and sanitation of public toilets: there must be no more than two pieces of rubbish lying around, the rubbish bin must be cleared within 30 minutes, and there can be no more than two flies. The ruling also provides for the degree of stench in public toilets. Advertisements must not interfere with the functioning and usage of the public toilets, it must not ruin the interior view of the toilet and its contents must be legal.

Where facilities of the public toilets are damaged, it should be repaired on-site within half an hour. Small repairs should be completed immediately while bigger repairs should be completed within twelve hours. Where repair works exceed 24 hours, the period for maintenance must be publicly disclosed and the location to closest public toilet must also be indicated.