
    今天是我入职的第一天。我的心里有一点忐忑不安,我不停地想,我的老板、我的同事是怎样的人呢?他们好相处吗?会喜欢我吗?我能做好这份工作吗?八点半我准时到了公司。秘书小李帮我安排好了工位。之后王经理向同事们介绍了我,大家都很随和。我忐忑不安的心终于平静下来了。晚上下班时,经理告诉我,他和同事们为了欢迎我的到来,今晚给我开欢迎会。在欢迎会上,虽然我酒量不好,但是我和每个同事都喝了一杯。我真的很高兴,能加入这样一个新集体。我想我一定能和他们配合好,做好工作的。 Today was my first day at work. I felt a little restless and kept thinking to myself, "What is my boss like?" "What are my colleagues like?" "Would they be easy to work with?" "Will they like me?" "Will I be able to perform at work?" I arrived for work on time, at 8.30 a.m. The secretary, Xiao Li had already arranged a workstation for me. Manager Wang later introduced me to my colleagues. They are all very amiable. The restlessness in me finally eased off. When it was time to get off work, the Manager told me that they were holding a welcome party for me later in the evening. During the welcome party, I had a drink with each of my colleagues in spite of my low alcohol tolerance. I am really very happy to be able to be a part of this team. I believe I will be able to fit in well and do a good job.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
What's your main concern when you start working at a new company? Your colleagues, your boss, or your work environment? Lesson Content: Today was my first day at work. I felt a little restless and kept thinking what my boss is like, what my colleagues are like, whether they are easy to work with, whether they will like me and whether I will be able to perform at work. I arrived for work on time, at 8.30 a.m. The secretary, Xiao Li had already arranged a workstation for me. Manager Wang later introduced me to my colleagues. They are all very amiable. The restlessness in me finally eased off. When it was time to get off work, the Manager told me that they were holding a welcome party for me later in the evening. During the welcome party, I had a drink with each of my colleagues in spite of my low alcohol tolerance. I am really very happy to be able to be a part of this team. I believe I will be able to fit in well and do a great job.