
    今天清晨,中国国际航空公司西南分公司一架空中客车A319飞机从成都双流国际机场升空后,展翅飞越雪峰冰川,于上午9时平稳降落在世界海拔第三的西藏阿里机场。    这标志着西藏自治区第四个民用机场验证试飞获得圆满成功。    这是阿里机场迎来的首架民航客机,亦标志该机场完成首航前的各项准备工作,即将正式投入运营。    阿里机场位于阿里地区狮泉河镇西南方向,海拔4274米,仅次于海拔4334米的昌都邦达机场和海拔4280米的四川康定机场。    机场跑道长度有4500米,总宽度60米,可满足空客A319等高原机型的起降要求,航站楼建筑面积约3900平方米,设计年旅客吞吐量12万人次。    阿里地区在西藏西北部,平均海拔4500米以上,被称为"世界屋脊的屋脊",这里地形独特。    该地区人烟稀少,有众多美丽绝伦的雪山,险峻多姿,气势磅礴;有着数不清的湖泊和走不到尽头的宽阔草原,各种高原珍奇动物和名贵的植物让您博览世界而不知疲倦。    此前,公路是该区唯一的交通运输方式,与拉萨路途相距1600公里,单程开车翻山越岭就需要4天时间。    阿里机场通航后,阿里至拉萨只需一个半小时,至成都不到四个小时。 Early this morning, an A319 Airbus from the Southwest division of the Chinese International Aviation Company flew across the snowcapped peaks and glaciers from Shuangliu airport in Chengdu and safely landed at nine in the morning at the world's third highest airport at Ali in Tibet.
This was the first civil aviationflight to land at Ali Airport, marking the airport's preflight preparatory work and formally ushers in operations there.
Ali Airport is situation in the Ali region southwest of the Shiquanhe town at 4274 meters elevation above sea level, third only to Changdubang Airport at 4334 meters above sea level and Sichuan's Kangdking Airport at 4280 meters.
The airport runway length is 4500 meters long and 60 meters wide, satisfying the landing and takoff requirements for flights similar to the A319. Th airport structure itself has a surface area of 3900 square meters and will handle an annualcapacity of 120000 passengers.
The Ali region is in Tibet's northwest area with an average elevation of over 4500 miters and is called the Rooftop of the World, making the area geographically distinct.
The area is desolate with incredibly beautiful snow peaks, sharp slopes, and vast scenery, along with countless lakes and endless grasslands. The plateau has unique wildlife and precious plantlife that seems to require endless study.
Previously, the highway was this area's sole traffic and transportation route that was 1600 kilometers from Lhasa. This was the sole driving route that traversed the mountains and slopes that took four days. Now that Ali Airport is in operation, a trip from Ali to Lhasa only needs one and a half hours, and is only four hours from Chengdu.

Lesson Summary:
Early this morning, an A319 from the Chinese International Aviation Company successfully flew from Chengdu to Ali Airport in Tibet. This marks the sucessful completion of preparatory work and formally ushers in operations at the airport. Lesson Content: Early this morning, an A319 Airbus from the Southwest division of the Chinese International Aviation Company flew across the snowcapped peaks and glaciers from Shuangliu airport in Chengdu and safely landed at nine in the morning at the world's third highest airport at Ali in Tibet.
This was the first civil aviationflight to land at Ali Airport, marking the airport's preflight preparatory work and formally ushers in operations there.
Ali Airport is situation in the Ali region southwest of the Shiquanhe town at 4274 meters elevation above sea level, third only to Changdubang Airport at 4334 meters above sea level and Sichuan's Kangdking Airport at 4280 meters.
The airport runway length is 4500 meters long and 60 meters wide, satisfying the landing and takoff requirements for flights similar to the A319. Th airport structure itself has a surface area of 3900 square meters and will handle an annualcapacity of 120000 passengers.
The Ali region is in Tibet's northwest area with an average elevation of over 4500 miters and is called the Rooftop of the World, making the area geographically distinct.
The area is desolate with incredibly beautiful snow peaks, sharp slopes, and vast scenery, along with countless lakes and endless grasslands. The plateau has unique wildlife and precious plantlife that seems to require endless study.
Previously, the highway was this area's sole traffic and transportation route that was 1600 kilometers from Lhasa. This was the sole driving route that traversed the mountains and slopes that took four days. Now that Ali Airport is in operation, a trip from Ali to Lhasa only needs one and a half hours, and is only four hours from Chengdu.