
    乘客甲:麻烦问一下,您知道到大连是几点吗?    乘客乙:好像是七点半。    乘客甲:哦,七点半就到了。也不知道大连现在冷不冷。    乘客乙:听说跟北京差不多,不算太冷。    乘客甲:是吗?那还挺好的。您到大连是旅游还是做什么?    乘客乙:我是去出差。您呢?    乘客甲:我是去玩儿。以前没去过,听说很好,就想去看看。    乘客乙:那您应该夏天去,那是大连最美的季节。    乘客甲:您说得对。我最近正好有时间,反正闲着也是闲着,还不如出来转转。您在北京工作?    乘客乙:是。您也是?    乘客甲:对。我已经在北京工作十年了。您看上去挺年轻的,有30岁吗?    乘客乙:差不多吧!哦,不好意思,我先去一下洗手间。     Passenger A: Excuse me, do you know what time will this train arrive at Da Lian?
Passenger B:About 7:30.
Passenger A: OK, 7:30 arrives there. Have no idea of Da Lian's temperature, cold or not.
Passenger B:I heard it's almost the same with Bei Jing, not very cold.
Passenger A: Really. That's good. What are you going to do in Da Lian, for travel or something else?
Passenger B: I'm on business. How about you?
Passenger A: I go there for travel. I haven't been to there before. I heard it's a nice place. So I want to have a look.
Passenger B: But I think you should go there in summer, which is the best season for Da Lian.
Passenger A: You're right. But I have holidays right now. It's better to travel around than staying at home. So you work in Beijing?
Passenger B:Yes, and you too?
Passenger A:Yes. I've already worked in Beijing for ten years. You look very young, 30 years old?
Passenger B:Almost. Well, excuse me, I need to go to a washing room.

Lesson Summary:
If you want to talk with a stranger but you can't find a common topic, at that time, you better talk about the weather, the time, food and common thing. Today we're going to see how to strike up a conversation with other people. Lesson Content: Passemger A: Sorry to trouble you. Do you know what time we're to reach Dalian?
Passenger B: Apparently 7:30.
A: At 7:30. Would you also know whether it'll be cold at Dalian.
B: I hear it's almost the same, not too cold.
A: Is it? That's pretty good. Do you go to Dalian as a tourist or on business?
B: I'm going on business. And you?
A: I go for pleasure. I've never been there, I hear it's very good. I'd like to go see.
B: This summer you should go, it's the best season in Dalian.
A: You're right. Recently I just have the time. Anyway leisure is leisure. Might as well go for a stroll. Are you working in Beijing?
B: Yes. I've been working for 15 years in Beijing. You look very young, are you 30 years old?
A: About it! Oh, sorry, I've to go to the bathroom.