
    服务员:您好。香山宾馆。    顾客:你好。我想预订房间。    服务员:好的,先生。我们有单人间、标准间、大床房和商务间,请问您需要哪一种?    顾客:我想预订一个单人间和一个标准间,请问现在多少钱?    服务员:单人间每天90元,标间每天140元。    顾客:包含早餐吗?    服务员:含早餐。    顾客:好,那我就订一个单人间,一个标准间。    服务员:请问您什么时候入住?住多长时间?    顾客:这个月20号入住,住一个星期。    服务员:不好意思,先生,20号以后单人间已经没有了,给您换成标间可以吗?    顾客:也可以。需要交订金吗?    服务员:不需要交订金。不过您必须在20号晚上6点之前入住,6点之后我们就不再保留您的预订了。如果您在6点以后到的话,请当天再与我们联系,我们可以帮您把保留时间延长。    顾客:好的,没问题。    服务员:请告诉我您的名字和联系方式,我帮您登记一下。    顾客:我叫汉生,"汉"是"汉语"的"汉","生"是"生活"的"生"。电话是17523984567。    服务员:麻烦您再说一下您的e-mail,入住前两天我们会发邮件和您再次确认。    顾客:我的e-mail是hansheng@.com.    服务员:好的,已经帮您登记好了。到时您带着证件直接到前台办理手续就可以入住了。    顾客:对了,你们那里可以刷卡吗?    服务员:刷卡、现金都可以。    顾客:好的,谢谢你。    服务员:不客气。再见。     Customer Service: Hello, Xiang Shan Hotel.
Customer: Hello, I would like to make some room reservations.
Customer Service: Certainly. Sir, what type of room would you like to reserve? We have single rooms, standard rooms, double rooms, and business rooms.
Customer: I would like to reserve one single room and one standard room. What's the (room) rate?
Customer Service: The rate is 90 yuan per night for the single room and 140 yuan per night for the standard room.
Customer : Is breakfast covered?
Customer Service: Yes, breakfast is covered.
Customer : O.k., then please reserve for me one single room and one standard room.
Customer Service: When are you checking in and for how long?
Customer : 20th of this month, for one week.
Customer Service: I'm sorry sir, I'm afraid there isn't any single rooms available from the 20th onwards. Would you like to switch to a standard room?
Customer : That's fine. Do you require any deposit?
Customer Service: Not necessary, but you must check in before 6 p.m. on the 20th, otherwise, your reservation will be invalid. Should you expect to arrive after 6 p.m., then please give us a call on the 20th, so that we can extend your reservation.
Customer : O.k., no problem.
Customer Service: Sir, may I know your name and contact number? I'm registering your details.
Customer : My name is Han Sheng, Han as in hanyu and Sheng as in shenghuo. My cell phone number is 17523984567.
Customer Service: May I also have your email? We'll send you a confirmation email two days before the check in date.
Customer : My email is hansheng@.com
Customer Service: Alright, your registration is complete. You can proceed directly to the reception desk to check in on the 20th. Please remember to bring along your ID.
Customer : O.k. Do you accept credit card?
Customer Service: We accept both credit card and cash.
Customer : O.k., thank you.
Customer Service: You're welcome. Goodbye.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Before going on a trip, there will be numerous preparations that we have to make, booking a ticket, trip itinerary, packing our luggage and so on. Most importantly, don't forget to reserve a hotel room. Otherwise, the joy of traveling will disappear when you arrive at your destination without hotel accommodation. Lesson Content: Customer Service: Hello, Xiang Shan Hotel.
Customer: Hello, I would like to make some room reservations.
Customer Service: Certainly. Sir, what type of room would you like to reserve? We have single rooms, standard rooms, double rooms, and business rooms.
Customer: I would like to reserve one single room and one standard room. What's the (room) rate?
Customer Service: The rate is 90 yuan per night for the single room and 140 yuan per night for the standard room.
Customer : Is breakfast covered?
Customer Service: Yes, breakfast is covered.
Customer : O.k., then please reserve for me one single room and one standard room.
Customer Service: When are you checking in and for how long?
Customer : 20th of this month, for one week.
Customer Service: I'm sorry sir, I'm afraid there isn't any single rooms available from the 20th onwards. Would you like to switch to a standard room?
Customer : That's fine. Do you require any deposit?
Customer Service: Not necessary, but you must check in before 6 p.m. on the 20th, otherwise, your reservation will be invalid. Should you expect to arrive after 6 p.m., then please give us a call on the 20th, so that we can extend your reservation.
Customer : O.k., no problem.
Customer Service: Sir, may I know your name and contact number? I'm registering your details.
Customer : My name is Han Sheng, Han as in hanyu and Sheng as in shenghuo. My cell phone number is 17523984567.
Customer Service: May I also have your email? We'll send you a confirmation email two days before the check in date.
Customer : My email is hansheng@cslpod.com
Customer Service: Alright, your registration is complete. You can proceed directly to the reception desk to check in on the 20th. Please remember to bring along your ID.
Customer : O.k. Do you accept credit card?
Customer Service: We accept both credit card and cash.
Customer : O.k., thank you.
Customer Service: You're welcome. Goodbye.