
    汉生:乐乐,五一长假怎么打算的?    乐乐:这才三月份,现在就打算五一也太早了吧?    汉生:未雨绸缪嘛!早点打算做准备,免得到时候手忙脚乱。如果要出去旅游,早点订机票、订酒店还能便宜点,选择的余地也大。    乐乐:你说的也有道理。不过我还没想好要做什么呢?我倒是挺想出去旅游的,但是五一期间肯定到处都是人,一想到人山人海的我就没兴致了。    汉生:怕人多可以出国游啊,现在出国旅游也花不了多少钱。    乐乐:你以为现在出国旅游的人少啊?而且就那么几天时间,说长不长,说短不短,去哪儿啊?    汉生:如果真想出去旅游,只要好好打算安排,还是有很多地方可以去的。    乐乐:那你有什么打算啊?准备去哪儿玩儿啊?    汉生:打算去一趟云南。    乐乐:云南?会去丽江吧?我一直都想去丽江。你怎么去啊?跟团吗?    汉生:跟团?不不,我不喜欢旅行社的团体旅游,不自由,什么都是他们安排好的,走马观花地看一看所谓的著名景点,一点意思也没有。我更愿意一个人背着包走一走。    乐乐:跟团虽然不太自由,但是很方便啊,不用自己操心。放假旅游本来就是休闲放松的,如果还要自己去订机票、订宾馆、拿着地图到处跑什么的,也太累了,何苦呢?    汉生:跟团可能会省心一些,但也更容易留下遗憾,你没听人们是怎么形容跟团旅游的吗?"上车睡觉,下车拍照"。你说,这样的休闲放松又有什么意义呢?自助游虽然什么都得自己搞定,看上去比较繁琐,但却可以根据自己的兴趣和情况进行安排,走自己想走的路,看自己想看的东西,不仅自由,也更有意思,真正享受属于自己的旅行。    乐乐:背包客看上去是挺潇洒、挺自由的,可一个人旅行也未免有点太孤单了,连个说话的人都没有。    汉生:我就知道你会这么说!你知道什么叫"驴友"吗?只要你愿意,一个人旅行更容易认识新朋友、听到新故事。去年夏天,我去敦煌旅行的时候,住在当地的青年旅舍,其中很多人都是一个人出来旅行的,白天可以约几个人结伴去游玩,晚上大家聚在一起打牌、玩游戏、聊天,分享各自的旅行心得和一些奇闻趣事,那种感觉真的非常棒!    乐乐:听你这么一说,我心里还真有点痒痒了。    汉生:什么时候你自己做一回背包客,亲身体验一下就知道了。    乐乐:对!心动不如行动!干脆五一我也去云南自助游好了。汉生,机票和宾馆什么的就麻烦你帮我订一下吧!     HS: Le Le, any plans for the long Labor Day holidays in May?
LL: It's only March and you're already making plans for the Labor Day holidays? Isn't it a little too early?
HS: We should be prepared for a rainy day! By planning ahead and making preparations, we don't have to be in a fluster when the time comes. If we want to go traveling, we should book our flight tickets early, and if we make our hotel reservation early, it'll be cheaper too, and there will be more choice.
LL: You have a point there, but I haven't decided what to do yet. Although I do want to go traveling, but the May 1st period will be packed with people everywhere, just the thought of it makes me lose interest.
HS: If it's the crowds that you're afraid of, you can always go on a tour abroad. It doesn't cost that much nowadays.
LL: Do you really think that people don't go abroad on tours? What's more, we only have a few days, it's not that long, and it's not that short either, where can we go?
HS: If you really want to go on a tour abroad, you should plan ahead and make some arrangements. There are quite a number of places you can go.
LL: What about you, what plans do you have? Where're you going for vacation?
HS: I'm planning to go to Yunnan.
LL: Yunnan? You must be going to Lijiang right? I've been wanting to go to Lijiang for ages. How're you going there? In a group?
HS: Group? Oh no, I don't like the traveling agency's group tour, there's no freedom, everything's prearranged by them, just some very brief sightseeing at a few famous scenic spots, it's not meaningful at all. I prefer to go backpacking alone.
LL: Although going on a group tour doesn't accord us much freedom, but it's really convenient, we don't have any worries. Going on a vacation is the time when we rest and relax, if we still have to go about booking our flight tickets, making hotel reservations, and going around with a map in our hands, that's just too much hassle, why trouble yourself?
HS: Perhaps going on a group tour will save you some worries, but it will only leave you with regrets. Haven't you heard of how people describe a group tour? "Board the bus and sleep, get off the bus and take pictures." Tell me, what meaning does this hold for rest and relax? Although we have to settle everything ourselves for D.I.Y. style travel, and there seems to be a lot of hassle involved, but you can make arrangements according to your own interests, go anywhere you wish and see sights that delight you. It's not just the freedom, it's also more meaningful, it's your own travels.
LL: It seems backpacking is rather pizzaz and it offers much freedom, but traveling alone is kinda lonely, there's nobody to talk to.
HS: I knew you'd say that! Do you know what is meant by "travel buddies" (lit. donkey friend, note: wordplay here, donkey = lǘ, friend = yoǔ, same sound as lǚyoú in travel/tour). As long as you're willing, traveling alone presents more opportunity to get to know new friends and hear new stories. Last summer, when I went to Dunhuang, I stayed at the local youth hostel. Many of the people there were also independent travelers. During the day a few of us would hang out together; at night, everyone would gather round to play cards, play games, chat, and share some quirky stories from our travels. It's a really great feeling!
LL: After hearing you out, I'm quite tickled to find out.
HS: When you have a chance to backpack and experience it for yourself, then you'll know.
LL: Right! Action speaks louder than words! You might as well count me in for the May 1st D.I.Y. travel. As for the flight tickets, hotel accommodation and what not, I'll leave it to you, Han Sheng!

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Blossoming flowers herald the arrival of a warm and beautiful spring. After spending an entire winter coup up at home, everyone is eager to have a leisurelystroll outdoors. Han Sheng is already making plans for travels come May. Lesson Content: HS: Le Le, any plans for the long Labor Day holidays in May?
LL: It's only March and you're already making plans for the Labor Day holidays? Isn't it a little too early?
HS: We should be prepared for a rainy day! By planning ahead and making preparations, we don't have to be in a fluster when the time comes. If we want to go traveling, we should book our flight tickets early, and if we make our hotel reservation early, it'll be cheaper too, and there will be more choice.
LL: You have a point there, but I haven't decided what to do yet. Although I do want to go traveling, but the May 1st period will be packed with people everywhere, just the thought of it makes me lose interest.
HS: If it's the crowds that you're afraid of, you can always go on a tour abroad. It doesn't cost that much nowadays.
LL: Do you really think that people don't go abroad on tours? What's more, we only have a few days, it's not that long, and it's not that short either, where can we go?
HS: If you really want to go on a tour abroad, you should plan ahead and make some arrangements. There are quite a number of places you can go.
LL: What about you, what plans do you have? Where're you going for vacation?
HS: I'm planning to go to Yunnan.
LL: Yunnan? You must be going to Lijiang right? I've been wanting to go to Lijiang for ages. How're you going there? In a group?
HS: Group? Oh no, I don't like the traveling agency's group tour, there's no freedom, everything's prearranged by them, just some very brief sightseeing at a few famous scenic spots, it's not meaningful at all. I prefer to go backpacking alone.
LL: Although going on a group tour doesn't accord us much freedom, but it's really convenient, we don't have any worries. Going on a vacation is the time when we rest and relax, if we still have to go about booking our flight tickets, making hotel reservations, and going around with a map in our hands, that's just too much hassle, why trouble yourself?
HS: Perhaps going on a group tour will save you some worries, but it will only leave you with regrets. Haven't you heard of how people describe a group tour? "Board the bus and sleep, get off the bus and take pictures." Tell me, what meaning does this hold for rest and relax? Although we have to settle everything ourselves for D.I.Y. style travel, and there seems to be a lot of hassle involved, but you can make arrangements according to your own interests, go anywhere you wish and see sights that delight you. It's not just the freedom, it's also more meaningful, it's your own travels.
LL: It seems backpacking is rather pizzaz and it offers much freedom, but traveling alone is kinda lonely, there's nobody to talk to.
HS: I knew you'd say that! Do you know what is meant by "travel buddies" (lit. donkey friend, note: wordplay here, donkey = lǘ, friend = yoǔ, same sound as lǚyoú in travel/tour). As long as you're willing, traveling alone presents more opportunity to get to know new friends and hear new stories. Last summer, when I went to Dunhuang, I stayed at the local youth hostel. Many of the people there were also independent travelers. During the day a few of us would hang out together; at night, everyone would gather round to play cards, play games, chat, and share some quirky stories from our travels. It's a really great feeling!
LL: After hearing you out, I'm quite tickled to find out.
HS: When you have a chance to backpack and experience it for yourself, then you'll know.
LL: Right! Action speaks louder than words! You might as well count me in for the May 1st D.I.Y. travel. As for the flight tickets, hotel accommodation and what not, I'll leave it to you, Han Sheng!