
    乐乐:汉生,你去过动物园吗?    汉生:我还没去过。怎么去呢?    乐乐:你可以坐公交车,也可以坐地铁。    汉生:哪个更快?    乐乐:地铁更快一些。    汉生:好,那我坐地铁去。     Le Le: Han Sheng, have you ever been to the zoo?
Han Sheng: Not yet. How to get there?
Le Le: You may take bus or the subway.
Han Sheng: Which is faster?
Le Le: The subway is a little bit faster.
Han Sheng: Ok, i will take subway there.

Lesson Summary:
When commuting to work,taking either the subway or public bus. Which do you think is quicker? Lesson Content: Le Le :Han Sheng, Have you been to the zoo?
Han Sheng :No,I have not been yet.How do you go there?
Le Le :You can take the public bus,you may also take the subway.
Han Sheng :Which will be quicker?
Le Le :Subway will be quicker though.
Han Sheng :OK, I will take the subway than.