
    心涛:洋洋,早上好!    洋洋:心涛,早上好!你每天早上都跑步吗?    心涛:对,我每天早上跑半个小时。    洋洋:我从今天开始,每天也跑半个小时。你几点开始跑?    心涛:我六点半从家里出发。    洋洋:从明天开始,我六点半到你家门口,我们一起跑步吧。    心涛:好的。     Xin Tao: Yang Yang, good morning!
Yang Yang: Xin Tao, good morning! Do you jog every morning?
X: Right. I jog every morning for half an hour.
Y: From today I'm starting to jog every day for half an hour. At what time do you start jogging.
X: I start from home at 6:30 a.m.
Y: Starting from tomorrow morning, I'll be at the entrance of your house. We'll jog together.
X: All right.

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
Spring has come, let's immediately start jogging for exercise! Lesson Content: Xin Tao: Yang Yang, good morning!
Yang Yang: Xin Tao, good morning! Do you jog every morning?
X: Right. I jog every morning for half an hour.
Y: From today I'm starting to jog every day for half an hour. At what time do you start jogging.
X: I start from home at 6:30 a.m.
Y: Starting from tomorrow morning, I'll be at the entrance of your house. We'll jog together.
X: All right.