
    青青:胡子,看,我的新造型!    胡子:哇塞!太雷人了!你怎么烫了这么一个爆炸头?    青青:再给你看看我新买的红上衣和绿裙子,是不是很有视觉冲击力?    胡子:我保证,你这样站在台上,观众们都被你雷倒了。     青青:Hu zi, look, this is my new style!
胡子:Wow..it's like...a... thunder! Why did you have such an explosive hair style?
青青:Well, Take a look at my new red blouse and green skirt. Do they have strong visual impact?
胡子:I'm sure if you stand on a stage with these, all the audience would feel like getting hit by thunder over their head.

Lesson Summary:
Are you worried about shocking others? Does shocking others have to include the element of startling them in some way? Lesson Content: Qingqing: Huzi, look! It's my new style!

Huzi: Whoa! Way too shocking! How did you get such an explosive hairstyle?

Qingqing: Take a look at my brand new red jacket and green skirt. Don't you think they make a strong visual statement?

Huzi: I guarantee you, if you stand on a stage with that get up, the audience will definitely be shocked.