
    经理:大家注意!紧急通知,公司规定,春节期间,必须安排人员在这里值班。    青青:啊?经理,从正月初几开始值班呀?    经理:从大年三十到正月初五,每天安排一个人。    青青:经理,你千万别安排我大年三十值班呀。    经理:我知道,谁都不愿意大年三十来值班。为了公平,我决定大家一起来抓阄,抓到哪天值班就哪天值班。    青青:老天保佑,千万别是大年三十!    
Manager: May I have your attention, please! Here is an emergent notice. Our company decides to keep staff on duty during the Chinese New Year.
Qing Qing: Oh,no! Manager, when should we start to work?
Manager: From new year's eve to lantern January, the fifth. A day a person.
Qing Qing: Manager, you won't have me on duty on new year's eve, do you?
Manager: I know nobody wants to be on duty on new year's eve. To be fair, I suggest drawing lots to decide your day.
Qing Qing: God bless me. Don't be new year's eve.

Lesson Summary:
There are times when we would rather let God decide things for us, such as who will go grocery shopping, who will make dinner, who will wash the dishes after dinner? Nobody likes to volunteer to do these activities, which is fine, so let's pick names out of a hat. Lesson Content: Manager : Listen up everyone! I have an important announcement. We are making a new rule with respect to Chinese New Year. It is mandatory for all personnel to do shift work here at the company.
Qing Qing : Huh? Boss, starting around the beginning of the New Year we are going to have to do shift work?
Manager : From Chinese New Year's Eve to the 5th day of the New Year we need one person to work each day.
Qing Qing : Boss, you absolutely can't make me work on Chinese New Year's Eve.
Manager : I know, nobody wants to do shift work on New Year's Eve. To be fair, I am asking everybody to draw out of a hat. The day you draw is the day you will work on.
Qing Qing : God bless me, absolutely not Chinese New Year's Eve!