
    青青:喂,胡子吗?你在干嘛呢?    胡子:喂,青青,我在睡觉呢。    青青:啊?现在都日上三竿了,你怎么还在睡觉?    胡子:我在美国呆了两个月,现在正在倒时差呢。    青青:那你赶紧倒时差吧,我不影响你休息了。Byebye.    胡子:再见!     Qing Qing: Hello, Hu Zi? What's up?
Hu zi: Hi, Qing Qing, I'm sleeping.
Qing Qing: What? It's late in the morning. Why are you still sleeping?
Hu zi: I stayed in American for two months. It's jet-legged.
Qing Qing: Ok, you'd better adjust your time as soon as possible. I have nothing, byebye.
Hu zi: Byebye.

Lesson Summary:
When coming and going from East to West or from West to East one will need to overcome the problem of jet lag/time difference. Lesson Content: QingQing:Hello, Is that you, HuZi? What are you up to?
HuZi: Hello, QingQing,I'm sleeping.
QingQing:How come? It's really late (in the morning). Why are you still in bed (sleeping)?
HuZi: I stayed two months in the USA, just got back and I'm suffering from jet lag.
QingQing:In that case I better leave you alone to let you get over it and have your rest. Byebye.
HuZi: Goodbye.