
    乐乐:汉生,你收到王明的请柬了吗?他下个月就要结婚了!    汉生:收到了。真没想到他这么快就结婚了!    乐乐:听说他们还刚刚买了房子,两室一厅,90多平米,地段还不错呢!    汉生:房子都买好了?太有钱了!他不是刚工作没几年吗?难道一夜暴富了?    乐乐:也是按揭。家里帮着给付的首付,自己慢慢还贷款呗。现在不都这样吗?年轻人有几个能自己买得起房的?    汉生:是啊,现在房价这么高,物价也上去了,只靠工资哪买得起房子啊!    乐乐:那你打算什么时候买房啊?    汉生:我现在挣的这点钱,就算不吃不喝也买不起房,我根本连想都不想。    乐乐:你也可以让家里帮帮忙嘛!    汉生:得了吧!别说父母没钱,就算有钱,我也不忍心把他们一辈子辛辛苦苦积攒下来的养老钱送给房地产商啊!    乐乐:可房价肯定越来越高,早点买还能少花点钱,而且也省心了。    汉生:我可不这么认为。我反倒觉得房子早买不如晚买,贷款买还不如不买。我可不想年纪轻轻的就背上房贷当房奴,与其把钱交给银行和房地产商人,还不如我自己拿来改善改善伙食、出去旅旅游什么的,提高一下生活品质。    乐乐:话虽这么说,但房子早晚都得买啊,这笔钱终究是免不了要花的。    汉生:你知道吗?就是因为有你这种观念,中国的楼市才会这么红火!他们就是抓住了老百姓的这种心理,才肆无忌惮地去炒房的!你得换换老脑筋,转变一下观念了。    乐乐:怎么转变?总不能一辈子都租房子住吧?    汉生:怎么不能?如果没有足够的经济实力,就不要打肿脸充胖子非买房不可了。租房有什么不好的?不仅经济实惠,而且还不用为装修之类乱七八糟的事情操心,在一个地方住腻了想搬家的时候可以随时搬走。最最重要的是,不用像还债一样每月还房贷,心里舒服!    乐乐:你还真想得开啊!很多人会觉得一直租房子住没面子。    汉生:死要面子活受罪!不过人各有志,我觉得这么过潇洒,而别人可能觉得那么过才舒服吧。    乐乐:要是房价什么时候能跌下来就好了!    汉生:那你还不如去买彩票!中大奖买到房子的几率说不定还大一些。    乐乐:诶,你说得有道理!我以后就天天去买彩票,说不定真能中个大奖!哎,汉生,要是你中了五百万,你最想买什么?    汉生:那还用说吗?当然是先买一套大房子!    乐乐:什么?!     LL: Han Sheng, have you received Wang Ming's invitation card? He's getting married next month!
HS: Yep, I've received it. Never thought that he'd get married so quickly!
LL: I heard that they bought a house recently, two bedrooms and a living room, around 90 square meters, and it's a pretty good plot!
HS: He even bought a house already? He's so rich! I thought he just started working a few years back? Surely he didn't get rich over night?
LL: He took out a mortgage. His family paid the down payment, he'll service the loan. Isn't it like that nowadays? How many young people can afford to buy a house on their own?
HS: That's true, the price of houses is just too high, prices of goods have gone up too. We'll never be able to afford a house if we just depend on our salaries!
LL: So what about you, when are you going to buy a house?
HS: I don't even dare think about it. Right now I'm earning pittance, I won't have enough money to buy a house even if I go hungry.
LL: Can't your family help you?
HS: That's enough! My parents don't have that kind of money, but that's a different matter. Even if they do, they slogged all their lives to save that money for their old age, how can I bear to "give" it to the bankers and real estate agents?
LL: But houses are getting more and more expensive, if you buy now, you pay less, and there's less to worry about.
HS: That's not how I see it. I think it is better to buy a house later. And if we were to buy a house by taking out a housing loan, it's better not to buy a house at all. I think young people should not be mortgage slaves and be burdened by a housing loan so early in life. It's better to use our money to raise our quality of life like having better meals, going for a tour, and what not.
LL: What you said is true, but eventually you'd still have to buy a house, there's no avoiding it.
HS: Do you know what? It's precisely because of this kind of thinking that the housing property market in China is thriving! They're capitalizing on such mentality, using unscrupulous means to speculate on the property market. You should change your way of thinking, don't keep holding on to old ideas.
LL: What's there to change? We can't be renting a house all our lives, can we?
HS: Why not? If we don't have the financial means to buy a house, then we should do without it, we should live within our means. What's wrong with renting a house? Financially, we're being practical and moreover, we don't have to worry about matters such as the interior decor. If we get tired of living in one place, we can move anytime. And most importantly, we don't have to concern ourselves with the monthly loan installments.
LL: You sure know how to look on the bright side of things! Many people feel it's a disgrace to have to keep on renting a house in the long run.
HS: If you must save your face, then you have to endure the hardships! Nevertheless, everyone has their own ambition, I think it's too carefree for me, but others might feel it's more comfortable to spend their days like this.
LL: It'll be great if the price of houses can come down.
HS: Then why don't you just buy lottery! The chances of strikinglottery is much better.
LL: Sigh, you're right! From now on, I'll buy lottery everyday, who knows, I might just strike lottery! Han Sheng, If you win 5,000,000 yuan, what would you do with it?
HS: Do you still need to ask? Buy a big house of course!
LL: What?!

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
In large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, it is getting more and more difficult for young people to buy a house. Which is a better option, to rent a house or to buy a house on a loan? Let's listen to a discussion between Han Sheng and Le Le on this topic. Lesson Content: LL: Han Sheng, have you received Wang Ming's invitation card? He's getting married next month!
HS: Yep, I've received it. Never thought that he'd get married so quickly!
LL: I heard that they bought a house recently, two bedrooms and a living room, around 90 square meters, and it's a pretty good plot!
HS: He even bought a house already? He's so rich! I thought he just started working a few years back? Surely he didn't get rich over night?
LL: He took out a mortgage. His family paid the down payment, he'll service the loan. Isn't it like that nowadays? How many young people can afford to buy a house on their own?
HS: That's true, the price of houses is just too high, prices of goods have gone up too. We'll never be able to afford a house if we just depend on our salaries!
LL: So what about you, when are you going to buy a house?
HS: I don't even dare think about it. Right now I'm earning pittance, I won't have enough money to buy a house even if I go hungry.
LL: Can't your family help you?
HS: That's enough! My parents don't have that kind of money, but that's a different matter. Even if they do, they slogged all their lives to save that money for their old age, how can I bear to "give" it to the bankers and real estate agents?
LL: But houses are getting more and more expensive, if you buy now, you pay less, and there's less to worry about.
HS: That's not how I see it. I think it is better to buy a house later. And if we were to buy a house by taking out a housing loan, it's better not to buy a house at all. I think young people should not be mortgage slaves and be burdened by a housing loan so early in life. It's better to use our money to raise our quality of life like having better meals, going for a tour, and what not.
LL: What you said is true, but eventually you'd still have to buy a house, there's no avoiding it.
HS: Do you know what? It's precisely because of this kind of thinking that the housing property market in China is thriving! They're capitalizing on such mentality, using unscrupulous means to speculate on the property market. You should change your way of thinking, don't keep holding on to old ideas.
LL: What's there to change? We can't be renting a house all our lives, can we?
HS: Why not? If we don't have the financial means to buy a house, then we should do without it, we should live within our means. What's wrong with renting a house? Financially, we're being practical and moreover, we don't have to worry about matters such as the interior decor. If we get tired of living in one place, we can move anytime. And most importantly, we don't have to concern ourselves with the monthly loan installments.
LL: You sure know how to look on the bright side of things! Many people feel it's a disgrace to have to keep on renting a house in the long run.
HS: If you must save your face, then you have to endure the hardships! Nevertheless, everyone has their own ambition, I think it's too carefree for me, but others might feel it's more comfortable to spend their days like this.
LL: It'll be great if the price of houses can come down.
HS: Then why don't you just buy lottery! The chances of strikinglottery is much better.
LL: Sigh, you're right! From now on, I'll buy lottery everyday, who knows, I might just strike lottery! Han Sheng, If you win 5,000,000 yuan, what would you do with it?
HS: Do you still need to ask? Buy a big house of course!
LL: What?!