
    心涛:洋洋,看,圣诞树!    洋洋:哇,好漂亮的圣诞树。快到圣诞节了。    心涛:对呀,圣诞老人快来了。    洋洋:心涛,你想收到什么圣诞礼物?    心涛:我已经偷偷地告诉圣诞老人了。     Xin Tao: Yang Yang, look, a Christmas tree.
Yang Yang: Well, what a beautiful Christmas tree. Christmas will soon arrive.
X: Right, Santa Claus is coming soon.
Y: Xin Tao, what Christmas gift would you like to receive?
X: I already secretly told Santa Claus.

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
Christmas will soon arrive. What Christmas gift would you like to receive? Lesson Content: Xin Tao: Yang Yang, look, a Christmas tree.
Yang Yang: Well, what a beautiful Christmas tree. Christmas will soon arrive.
X: Right, Santa Claus is coming soon.
Y: Xin Tao, what Christmas gift would you like to receive?
X: I already secretly told Santa Claus.
