
    心涛:洋洋,你看街上已经空荡荡了。    洋洋:是啊,大年三十大家都呆在家里与家人共享天伦之乐呢。    心涛:我们两个真可怜,居然轮到大年三十值班!     洋洋:是啊,我现在真的一点上班的心思都没有!恨不得马上回家和家人一起。    心涛:我也是。我妈刚打电话催促我快点回去,说大团圆就差我一个人了。    洋洋:要不你先回去,反正现在也没什么事,我一个人就可以了。    心涛:那可不行,我哪能留你一个人在这儿。对了,你今年春节怎么不回老家?    洋洋:春运期间火车票太难买了。我提前把爸妈接到了北京,春节期间可以带他们在北京周边转转。    心涛:这真是太好了。代我向你父母问声好,祝他们二老春节快乐。    洋洋:谢谢,也代我向你父母问声好!看!还有五分钟就要下班咯!    心涛:是啊,咱们收拾收拾,准备下班!    洋洋:那我先给你拜个早年啦!    心涛:我也给你拜年啦! XT: Yangyang, look! There is few people on the road.
YY: Of course, people are all spending the Spring Festival Eve with their family at home now.
XT: We are two poor people. It's a bad day for us to be on duty.
YY: Exactly, I'm really not in the mood. I couldn't help to go back home to be with my family.
XT: Me too. My mother just called and asked me to leave as soon as possible, everybody is there except me.
YY: Since there is nothing to deal with, you can go now, I'll be here.
XT: How can I leave you alone? By the way, why didn't you go back to your home town this Spring Festival?
YY: It's really difficult to buy a train ticket during Spring Festival. I made arrangement for their coming to Beijing. I can show them around in Beijing this Spring Festival.
XT: That sounds great! Say hello to your parents for me. Wish them happy Spring Festival.
YY: Thank you, say hello to your parents for me too. Look! There's only 5 minutes left!
XT: Yeah, let's pack our things and get ready to leave!
YY: Wish you a happy Spring Festival in advance.
XT: Good wishes to you too.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
The Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese people. If on the Spring Festival, you have to work overtime, you will be as anxious as Xintao and Yangyang, wanting to go home immediately. Lesson Content: XT: Yangyang, look! There is few people on the road.
YY: Of course, people are all spending the Spring Festival Eve with their family at home now.
XT: We are two poor people. It's a bad day for us to be on duty.
YY: Exactly, I'm really not in the mood. I couldn't help to go back home to be with my family.
XT: Me too. My mother just called and asked me to leave as soon as possible, everybody is there except me.
YY: Since there is nothing to deal with, you can go now, I'll be here.
XT: How can I leave you alone? By the way, why didn't you go back to your home town this Spring Festival?
YY: It's really difficult to buy a train ticket during Spring Festival. I made arrangement for their coming to Beijing. I can show them around in Beijing this Spring Festival.
XT: That sounds great! Say hello to your parents for me. Wish them happy Spring Festival.
YY: Thank you, say hello to your parents for me too. Look! There's only 5 minutes left!
XT: Yeah, let's pack our things and get ready to leave!
YY: Wish you a happy Spring Festival in advance.
XT: Good wishes to you too.