
    A:心涛,今天几号?    B:今天18号,怎么了?    A:快到端午节了,难怪天气越来越热。    B:端午节是什么时候?    A:农历五月初五,今年是六月23号。    B:你打算怎么过端午节?    A:端午节那天我们放假。我打算和家人一起去看龙舟赛,一起吃粽子。    B:我一次龙舟赛也没看过。     A:你和我们一起去看龙舟赛吧,很有意思。    B:龙舟赛是露天的吗?    A:对,是露天的。    B:不知道端午节天气怎么样。    A:我看天气预报了,端午节下雨的可能性不大。    B:那就好,我可不想当落汤鸡。 A: Xin Tao, what's the date today?
B: Today's the 18th, what's up?
A: It'll soon be Dragon Boat Festival, no wonder the weather is getting hotter and hotter.
B: When is Dragon Boat Festival?
A: 5th day of the 5th lunar month. This year it falls on June 23rd.
B: How do you intend to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival?
A: [Since] it's a holiday on Dragon Boat Festival, I'm planning to go watch a dragon boat race with my family and eat zongzi [glutinous rice dumplings] together with them.
B: I haven't watched a dragon boat race before, not even once.
A: Then why don't you join us, we can watch the dragon boat race together. It's really interesting.
B: Is the race held outdoors?
A: Yes it is.
B: I wonder what the weather will be like during Dragon Boat Festival.
A: I already checked the weather forecast. Chances are it won't rain during Dragon Boat Festival.
B: That's great, I don't want to get drenched.

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
It's getting hotter and hotter and the annual Dragon Boat Festival is just around the corner. What date will Dragon Boat Festival fall on this year? What are the special activities held in conjunction with Dragon Boat Festival? Let's listen to today's lesson. Lesson Content: A: Xin Tao, what's the date today?
B: Today's the 18th, what's up?
A: It'll soon be Dragon Boat Festival, no wonder the weather is getting hotter and hotter.
B: When is Dragon Boat Festival?
A: 5th day of the 5th lunar month. This year it falls on June 23rd.
B: How do you intend to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival?
A: [Since] it's a holiday on Dragon Boat Festival, I'm planning to go watch a dragon boat race with my family and eat zongzi [glutinous rice dumplings] together with them.
B: I haven't watched a dragon boat race before, not even once.
A: Then why don't you join us, we can watch the dragon boat race together. It's really interesting.
B: Is the race held outdoors?
A: Yes it is.
B: I wonder what the weather will be like during Dragon Boat Festival.
A: I already checked the weather forecast. Chances are it won't rain during Dragon Boat Festival.
B: That's great, I don't want to get drenched.
