
    小媛:李伟,这个学期你选修了几门课?    李伟:三门。    小媛:怎么选这么多?你学分还没修够吗?    李伟:不是,我只差一门课,学分就够了。另外两门课是为考研选的。    小媛:哦,差点忘了,你正在准备考研究生。现在准备得怎么样了?    李伟:我觉得时间有点儿不够。六门专业课我才刚复习了三门。    小媛:应该没问题吧,不是还有一年的时间吗?    李伟:一年时间可不算多。你想想,我的英语还没开始准备呢。我英语成绩一直不太好,有几次考试还差点没及格。    小媛:依我看,你最好报一个英语辅导班。    李伟:我总觉得它们可信度不高。有些辅导班还说保证你能通过考试,你能相信吗?    小媛:怎么说呢,就算不能保证你通过考试,也多少能有点儿帮助吧。反正我哥去年报的辅导班就挺有用的。他那么烂的英语,考研时也考了60多分!    李伟:是吗?你哥报的是哪个班啊?我也赶紧去报名!     XY: Li Wei, how many elective courses are you taking this semester?
LW: Three.
XA: How come so many? Is it because you don't have enough course credits?
LW: Nope, I'm just short by one course, then I'll have enough credits. The other two courses are for my post-graduate studies.
XA: I see, I almost forgot that you're preparing for your post-grad studies. How's preparations coming along?
LW: Feels like there's not enough time. I've only made revisions for three out of the six core courses.
XA: I think it shouldn't be a problem, you still have one year to go right?
LW: One year isn't that much time. Just think about it, I haven't even started preparing for English. And all this time I didn't fare too well in English, there were several times I almost didn't make it.
XA: As I see it, it's best you sign up for English tutorials.
LW: I get a nagging feeling that they're not very reliable. Some tutorials even guarantee a pass, can you buy that?
XA: Anyhow, even if it can't guarantee you a pass, at least it'll help somewhat. Last year my brother enrolled himself for tutorials and found it quite useful, he managed to get a score of 60 with his broken English!
LW: Really? Where did brother sign up with? I'm signing up there too!

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
If you want to continue your studies after you graduate, then you have to sit for graduate entrance exams. Besides having to study for their academic exams, post-graduate students also have to sit for English exams, a major stumbling block for many Chinese students. Lesson Content: XY: Li Wei, how many elective courses are you taking this semester?
LW: Three.
XA: How come so many? Is it because you don't have enough course credits?
LW: Nope, I'm just short by one course, then I'll have enough credits. The other two courses are for my post-graduate studies.
XA: I see, I almost forgot that you're preparing for your post-grad studies. How's preparations coming along?
LW: Feels like there's not enough time. I've only made revisions for three out of the six core courses.
XA: I think it shouldn't be a problem, you still have one year to go right?
LW: One year isn't that much time. Just think about it, I haven't even started preparing for English. And all this time I didn't fare too well in English, there were several times I almost didn't make it.
XA: As I see it, it's best you sign up for English tutorials.
LW: I get a nagging feeling that they're not very reliable. Some tutorials even guarantee a pass, can you buy that?
XA: Anyhow, even if it can't guarantee you a pass, at least it'll help somewhat. Last year my brother enrolled himself for tutorials and found it quite useful, he managed to get a score of 60 with his broken English!
LW: Really? Where did brother sign up with? I'm signing up there too!

文章标签:教育  辅导