
    心涛:洋洋,下周你有几门考试?    洋洋:三门,有一门只需要交论文。    心涛:这么轻松,我真羡慕你!我有四门呢。    洋洋:谁叫你没和我选一样的课呢,后悔了吧?    心涛:唉,现在说这些也没用了。你的法语考试准备的怎么样了?    洋洋:还可以。我已经复习两遍了。你呢?    心涛:一般吧,我还有很多内容不熟悉。    洋洋:你一定要加把劲,听说去年我们系有十几位师兄师姐栽在了这门课上。    心涛:嗯,我会提高警惕的,争取一次通过。    洋洋:不过你也别太紧张了。看你都累出黑眼圈了,不如我们去打会儿球,放松一下吧。    心涛:好主意,劳逸结合,我们走吧。     Xintao: Yangyang, how many exams do you have next week?
Yangyang: Three, though for one I just have to write a thesis.
Xintao: How relaxed! I really envy you! I have four exams.
Yangyang: Who told you not to choose the same classes as I did, hmm? Do you regret it?
Xintao: Hey, that kind of talk doesn't help me now. How has your preparation for the French exam been going?
Yangyang: Pretty well, I've already reviewed it twice. How about you?
Xintao: No so well, there is still so much content that I'm not familiar with.
Yangyang: You'd better get moving, I heard this class is really hard to pass.
Xintao: Yes, I'll push harder so I can pass this class the first time.
Yangyang: But don't be too anxious. I can see that you have been studying too long and are very tired. It would be better if you went with us to play some basket and relaxed a little.
Xintao: That's a good idea. Work and play must go together. Let's go.

-- su@

Lesson Summary:
There is hardly a student who enjoys taking exams, however every student has no choice but to face them. As time draws closer to an approaching exam, test-takers' attitudes and situations can be very different as they prepare. Today, let's listen a little to these students' conversation about their exams. Lesson Content: Xintao: Yangyang, how many exams do you have next week?
Yangyang: Three, though for one I just have to write a thesis.
Xintao: How relaxed! I really envy you! I have four exams.
Yangyang: Who told you not to choose the same classes as I did, hmm? Do you regret it?
Xintao: Hey, that kind of talk doesn't help me now. How has your preparation for the French exam been going?
Yangyang: Pretty well, I've already reviewed it twice. How about you?
Xintao: No so well, there is still so much content that I'm not familiar with.
Yangyang: You'd better get moving, I heard this class is really hard to pass.
Xintao: Yes, I'll push harder so I can pass this class the first time.
Yangyang: But don't be too anxious. I can see that you have been studying too long and are very tired. It would be better if you went with us to play some basket and relaxed a little.
Xintao: That's a good idea. Work and play must go together. Let's go.
