
    各位同学:    本周三(6月6日)上午第三、四节的书法课,因为老师的原因,不得不调整为语法课。上课地点不变。    非常抱歉!    请大家互相转告,准时上课。      王老师     2012.06.03      Attention: All students
The third and fourth calligraphy lessons scheduled for this Wednesday morning (June 6th) has been changed [lit. revised] to grammar lessons for reasons pertaining to the teacher's personal schedule. There is no change in classroom venue.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Please inform your fellow classmates of this change and be punctual in attendance.
Teacher Wan
June 3rd, 2012

-- atchooo@

Lesson Summary:
Today, let us take a look at what a notice on change of timetable should look like. Lesson Content: Attention: All students

The third and fourth calligraphy lessons scheduled for this Wednesday morning (June 6th) has been changed [lit. revised] to grammar lessons for reasons pertaining to the teacher's personal schedule. There is no change in classroom venue.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Please inform your fellow classmates of this change and be punctual in attendance.

Teacher Wang

June 3rd, 2012
