
    洋洋:你好,我买两张今晚七点半的电影票。    售票员:你好!对不起,今晚七点半电影票已经全部卖完了。    洋洋:啊?明天晚上的电影票呢?    售票员:明天晚上的电影票只有六点半的。    洋洋:那好吧,我买两张明天晚上六点半的电影票。     YY: Hello, I would like to buy 2 movie tickets for 7:30 tonight.
Ticket seller: Hello! I am sorry, the tickets for 7:30 tonight are already sold out.
YY: Ah? What about tomorrow evening then?
TS: On tomorrow evening,there are only tickets for 6:30.
YY. Ok then, I'll take two tickets for 6:30 tomorrow evening.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
Movie 007 is on again! Hurry up and buy a movie ticket! Wait! How do you buy tickets in Chinese? Today we will learn how to buy tickets with Yangyang. Lesson Content: YY: Hello, I would like to buy 2 movie tickets for 7:30 tonight.
Ticket seller: Hello! I am sorry, the tickets for 7:30 tonight are already sold out.
YY: Ah? What about tomorrow evening then?
TS: On tomorrow evening,there are only tickets for 6:30.
YY. Ok then, I'll take two tickets for 6:30 tomorrow evening.
