
    洋洋:喂!心涛!六点半,起床了!    心涛:才六点半,起这么早干什么!    洋洋:今天开学了!    心涛:啊?我忘了!幸亏有你这个小闹钟,要不我开学第一天就迟到了。 YY: Hey! XT, it's six a.m, get up!
XT: It's only six a.m, why should I get up so early?
YY: School is starting today!
XT: Ah? I forgot! l am lucky I have you for an alarm clock, otherwise I would be late on my first day of school.

Lesson Summary:
School is starting! You can't sleep in any more. If you are not used to get up early, you'd better set an alarm clock. Lesson Content: YY: Hey! XT, it's six a.m, get up!
XT: It's only six a.m, why should I get up so early?
YY: School is starting today!
XT: Ah? I forgot! l am lucky I have you for an alarm clock, otherwise I would be late on my first day of school.
