
    早晨起床后,我觉得身体很不舒服,头疼,嗓子也疼,我决定去医院看病。到医院挂号后,我坐在内科的候诊室里,护士小姐帮我量了体温,三十八度五。一会儿,护士小姐带我到二号诊室。我和医生说我发烧了,头疼,嗓子也疼。医生做了检查后告诉我这流行性感冒,回家后多喝开水,多休息,按时吃药,过几天就没事了。我回到家吃完药后睡了一天,今天感觉好多了。     In the morning after getting up, my body felt very uncomfortable. My head hurt, my throat also hurt. I decided to go to the hospital. I registered to the hospital, I sat in the medicalwaiting room, the nurse helped me take my body temperature, 38.5 degrees. Then, the nurse took me to the 2nd consultation room. My doctor said I had a fever, headache, sore throat too. Was examined by a doctor who told me that I had influenza. Go home, drink plenty of water, plenty of rest and take medicine on time, after a few days will be better. I got home after taking medicine and sleeping for a day, feeling much better today.


Lesson Summary:
Getting a cold is a big deal. But how do you describe the symptoms of flu, such as cough, headache, fever, sore throat, etc.? Let us learn together clearly. Lesson Content: In the morning after getting up, my body felt very uncomfortable. My head hurt, my throat also hurt. I decided to go to the hospital. I registered to the hospital, I sat in the medicalwaiting room, the nurse helped me take my body temperature, 38.5 degrees. Then, the nurse took me to the 2nd consultation room. My doctor said I had a fever, headache, sore throat too. Was examined by a doctor who told me that I had influenza. Go home, drink plenty of water, plenty of rest and take medicine on time, after a few days will be better. I got home after taking medicine and sleeping for a day, feeling much better today.