
    青青:胡子,等一下!你的衬衫上有口红的痕迹!    胡子:不会吧?谁在恶作剧呀?    青青:哇!领带上也有!要是被你老婆发现了,你跳进黄河也洗不清了。    胡子:赶快赶快,你快想办法帮我把口红弄干净。     Qing Qing: Hu zi, Wait! There is lipstick on your shirt.
Hu zi: Really? Who is playing a trick on me?
Qing Qing: Wow! There is another one on your necktie! If your wife see it, there's nothing you can do to clear your name.
Hu zi: Be quick! Help me move them off by all means.