







In a Stephen Chow film, Fight Back to School I, there was a forgetful chemistry teacher. After asked Zhou Xinxin's name twice, he still called Zhou Xinxin "Huang Xiaogui". In fact, it is not a memory problem. It might be a professional habit of all teachers. Everyday, they have to face hundreds of students, how can they remember all their names?
If you have never worked as a teacher and have no experience in it, you will soon have such experience after going abroad for a while. It is the same as when you try to remember the names of the foreigners, you just cannot remember it.
There are two things difficult to remember: One is number, the other is name, no matter names of people or names of locations.
It is difficult to remember numbers because both foreigners and Chinese all use Arabic numbers. For Chinese, the same number first appears in their minds in Chinese. Therefore, it is easy to be interfered when speak numbers in English. So numbers are difficult to remember.
Names are difficult to remember because names are not like other objects which have a concrete entity to help people to remember. For example, once you come across the word "book", you will think a real book. But as to a name, Rumsfeld, if you never know a person with this name, it would be difficult for you to find a concerted entity for this name. A name without any entity normally will be drifting and difficult to handle.
This situation is similar to that some Chinese like to some very unusual Chinese characters. When you first hear their names, normally you cannot remember their names. For example, the first time when you meet a Chinese whose names is "郇螔蓼(Xun Siliao)", maybe it would be very difficult for you to remember his name.
Therefore, English names like Tom are very easy to remember. These kinds of names have been globalized like hello. Even Chinese who doesn't know any English know these names. It is a pity that not all foreigners have Tom as their names.


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文章标签:文化差异  记不住