








 With the popularity of English in the world, many English names are known to Chinese people. Besides, as to Chinese who have certain English knowledge, it may be difficult for them to remember certain unusual English names, but to speak them correctly according to phonetic rules is not a big problem. Since they can speak those names, they only need to read several times more to remember.
However, non-English names, such names of western Europeans, such as Germans, Frenchmen, Italians, Spaniards and all eastern Europeans are really problematic.
Among them, names of eastern Europeans are most difficult, because their names are relatively long and the spellings and pronunciations are quite different from English names. There is little reference for us. As far as I know, even native English speakers find it difficult to remember those names. (They are really experts of alphabet language.) We Chinese have no choice but to surrender.
Once I worked as a receptionist in a hotel in an English speaking country. I often met guests from east Europe. At first, I thought it would be a great opportunity to practice my listening. The result was: after they told me their names, I can only stare at computer and did not know how to put their names into computer and check their reservations. I cannot even remember their names, let along to spell them.
This way did not work. After working there for a while, I found a solution. Next time when I saw a guest who looked like an east European, I always gave him or her a pen and a piece of paper for them to write their names down. With this method, the crisis of names was finally over.
It was quite unexpected that after a few years, I was sent to work in east Europe. The name issue appeared again in an even more serious manner. I not only had to deal with east Europeans every day, but also often had to face a group people at once. How can you hand out paper to each one when you met them?
I was like the chemistry teacher in Fight Back to School. They told me their names. Then I would ask them in no time, "What's your name again?" If the chemistry teacher remembered names and then forgot them, I simple did not remember those names, because I have no ways to remember them.
My situation was more sober than the chemistry teacher. The chemistry teacher did not need to care about other people's feelings, but I cannot. It is very impolite to forget other people's names, no matter with what excuse. Therefore, at last I did not ask anymore. I just used pronouns. It sounds like this in translation: "I have talked this matter with him. He totally agreed. You can also with him. Who is he? He is the one whose name is really difficult to remember!" 

      本文转载自张叶的个人空间,要阅读更多作者文章,请移步作者个人空间http://i.myechinese.com/index.php?s=/space/1253  。

