
Tonight, I made a lantern with a torch light and a basket which was once used as a container for moon cakes. The process was simple. First I tore off the advertisements tags from the basket, turned on the torch light and then placed it in the basket. The torch lit up the basket and gave out thousands of golden beams through the basket. It looked like a mini maze from the outside. I was so excited that I took a walk with it in the garden. 
I carried the small lantern and walked around the river. The light was reflected in the river. The reflection looked so beautiful. With the bridge above the river and the willow trees on the bank, the scene was picturesque. 
I walked into a bamboo woods. It was so dark that people could not see the grass on the ground. The light of the lantern looked even brighter. I lifted it up. A miracle happened: all the grasses and bamboo leaves turned blue. I carried it here and there and felt so happy.
After I walked out of the park, the brilliantly illuminated street soon took the shine from the lantern. It just looked like a dull doll. I was a little bit disappointed, so I went home.
