
I love romantic roses, I love refined jasmine. However, it is the blossoming and graceful chrysanthemums that I want to praise most.
        看,教室里那两盆菊花,金黄色的叫做一品黄,除了绿绿的叶子,整朵花都是黄色的,开得非常灿烂。一瓣瓣修长的花瓣自然垂落,微风乍起,好像是位亭亭玉立的姑娘甩动着一头飘逸的秀发...... 另一盆是紫白色的,紫色的花瓣,白色的花心,别具一格。一朵朵造型独特的菊花相互簇拥,好像是拥在一起说悄悄话呢!它们挺立着,努力地把全部美丽展示给我们。在萧瑟的深秋,别的花都凋谢了,唯有菊花还是凌霜盛开,为大自然增添生趣,使悲秋的人们振作起精神。真像唐代大诗人元稹所说:"不是花中偏爱菊,此花开尽更无花。"
There are two pots of chrysanthemums in the classroom. The golden one is called "一品黄". Except for the green leaves, the whole flower is yellow. It is now in full bloom. Its long and narrow pedals hang low naturally. In a breeze it looks like a beautiful girl waving her long hair... The one in the other pot is purple and white. The combination of purple pedals with the white heart makes it so special. One flower nudges another, as if they are whispering. They stand straight demonstrating their beauty to us. In the late autumn, all the other flowers are withered. Only chrysanthemums are still flourishing in spite of the cold weather. They are there to bring life to the bleak autumn and brace up the people who are saddened because of the weather. It is true as described in the poem written by Yuan Zhen, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty, "is not a preference chrysanthemum flowers, the flowers do much less to spend."
I like its strong fragrance, beautiful gesture, and unyielding spirit of chrysanthemum. When looking at the beautiful chrysanthemums in front of me I can not help reciting the lines, "秋菊能傲霜,风霜重重恶,本性能耐寒,风霜其奈何(Autumn chrysanthemums scorn the frost, though wind and frost rage again and again. If by nature they're made cold-proof, how can wind and frost bring harm to them then?)


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