
                                 Wèn Liú Shíjiǔ


                                    Lǜyǐ xīn pēi jiǔ

                                    hóngní xiǎo huǒlú.

                                    Wǎnlái tiān yù xuě

                                     néng yǐn yìbēi wú




Before filtered, the light green froth is floating on the newly brewed wine, looking like a cluster of green ants. So newly brewed wine is here referred as "绿蚁(lǜyǐ)" (green ants).
The newly brewed rice wine is mellow and fragrant. There's a good fire burned in the red stove. Snow is coming and it's going to be dark soon. My friend, how about coming to my place and enjoy some wine with me?
A jar of newly brewed wine, a red stove—these things help to picture a scene where the poet was writing the poem. In a winter evening, the snow was about to come. The poet took out a simple red stove and a jar of new wine, which seemed ordinary and even a little boring. He wanted to invite a friend to join him. The simple and candid language of the poem revealed the poet's carefree and comfortable life.




过滤:(guòlǜ) v. filter

蚂蚁:(máyǐ) n. ant

景致:(jǐngzhì) n. scene

阴沉:(yīnchén) adj. dark sky (indicates impending snow)

温馨:(wēnxīn) adj. warm and comfortable

醇厚:(chúnhòu) adj. (of wine) mellow and strong

殷红:(yānhóng) adj. darkish red