

                                    Dēng Kē Hòu

                              Mèng Jāo(Táng )

                                     Xīrì wòchuò bù zú kuā,

                                     jīnzhāo fàngdàng sì wú yá.

                                     Chūnfēng déyì mǎtí jí,

                                     yí rì kànjìn cháng'ān huā.


        "登科",指的是通过科举 考试考上进士。"龌龊"的意思相当于现在说的"窝囊",形容不得意。"放荡"在这里是自由自在、无拘无束的意思。"长安"是唐朝的都城。

 "登科(dēng kē)" refers to passing the highest imperial civil service examination. "龌龊(wòchuò)" is a feeling of worthlessness, or as we might say today, feeling like a "loser". "放荡(fàngdàng)" here means leisurely and carefree, unrestrained. "长安(Cháng'ān)" was the capital of the Tang dynasty.
Those days of feeling stupid and worthless are behind me now, not to be mentioned again. Now I am free and unfettered, my spirits know no bounds. My horse runs swiftly into the spring wind, and in just one day my eyes take in all the flowers of the city.
The poem expresses the poet's triumphant air and irrepressible exuberance after he became a successful candidate in the highest imperial examination.

科举:(kējǔ) n.  imperial examinations
进士 :(jìnshì) n.  a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations 
窝囊:(wōnang) adj.  good for nothing
无拘无束:(wújū-wúshù) adj.  unrestrained, free and easy
洋洋得意:(yáng yáng dé yì)  be immensely proud with success 
按捺不住:(ànnàbúzhù)  cannnot contain oneself