
我( wǒ )



The Chinese pictogram for "I" represents a weapon with long handles and three tooth-like things on the top. In the primitive society, this type of weapon was appointed to and belonged to individuals, and thus this weapon carried the connotation of "I" and "my".


I ,my


我的( wǒde ): my;mine  

自我(zìwǒ): oneself

我们(wǒmen): we

我行我素(wǒxínɡ wǒsù )persist in one's old ways (no matter what others say)

我家(wǒ jiā ): my home


     Wǒmen zài kànkan ba .
     Let's have another look about it.

2. 学生时代,结交了人生最好的朋友。
     Xuésheng shídài ,wǒ jiéjiāo le rénshēng zuì hǎo de péngyou .
     I have made acquaintance with the best friend in my life during my school years.

3. 他听不进去任何人的建议,依然我行我素
     Tā tīng bú jìnqù rènhé rén de jiànyì ,yīrán wǒxíng wǒsù
     He turned a deaf ear to others' advice and still persisted in his old way.