



Stand by a Tree Stump Waiting for a Hare -- One Who Sticks to His Folly and Does Nothing

In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a farmer in the State of Song. In his field there was a tree stump and one day, when he was working in the field he saw a rabbit bump into the stump accidentally and broke its neck and died. The farmer was overjoyed at the unexpected gain. He thought, "How wonderful! Game comes by so easily! I'm tired of farming under the hot sun. I can make money from selling the rabbits."
Therefore the farmer threw his hoe back in the storeroom and sat beside the stump; indulging himself in the fantasy that other rabbits would come along and do the same thing. He waited and waited but no more rabbit came by. Many days passed before the farmer thought of his field again, by which time the field was overgrown with weeds.


树桩(shùzhuāng)n.: stump

农夫(nóng) n.: farmer

撞上(zhuàngshang) v.: bump into

折(shé) v.: break

锄头(chútou) n.: hoe

等候(děnghòu) v.: wait for

希望(xīwàng) v.: hope

田地(tiándì) n.: field

荒芜(huāngwú) v.: abandon


Its original meaning is to stand by a tree stump waiting for a rabbit to dash itself against it. This is to satirize those doing things according to their experience. Later it's used as a simile, meaning not to strive for success but to wait for it to happen, pinning hopes on chance and luck.


1. 对于这件事,一定要积极争取,决不能守株待兔。
    As to this matter it's better to strive for success instead of waiting for a windfall.