


Plug One's Ears While Stealing a Bell—Deceive Oneself

In the ancient time, there was a thief who went to someone's house to steal. He saw a big bell hanging in the courtyard. The thief was very happy and he thought the bell looked valuable. Then, he decided to carry this beautiful bell back home. But the bell was too big and heavy. No matter how hard he tried, he could not move it. Later, he thought there was only one way to solve the problem. He had to break down the bell into parts before he was able to carry them back to his home. The thief found a big iron hammer, with which he struck the bell with all his might. But the striking produced a loud noise and even scared the thief. But when he covered up his ears he could no longer hear the noise. The thief became cheerful at once and thought the sound of the bell would not be heard by anyone if he covered up his own ears. Feeling relieved, he began striking the bell again, one blow after another. The sound of the bell was heard at distant places, and finally people caught the thief from tracing the sound.


小偷:(xiǎo tōu)n.: thief

钟:(zhōng)n.: bell

值钱:(zhí qián)adj.: valuable

沉:(chén)adj.: heavy

敲碎:(qiāo suì)v.: break down into parts

锤子:(chuí zi)n.: hammer

砸:(zá)v.: pound; smash

慌:(huāng)v.: flurried


Its original meaning is to plug one's ear while stealing a bell. It can be used as a metaphor, referring to people who deceive themselves or try to cover up things that can not be concealed.


1. 这种做法无疑是掩耳盗铃,自己欺骗自己。 
    This way of doing things is undoubtedly like 掩耳盗铃. They are deceiving themselves.