
杀鸡取卵 Shā jī qǔ luǎn

杀鸡取卵 Shā jī qǔ luǎn


Once upon a time, there was a man who liked to eat eggs. He raised a hen which laid eggs for him every day. However, because the hen only laid one egg each day the man was not satisfied, feeling that one egg was simply not enough to eat. This upset him very much. Consequently he thought to himself that since the eggs layed by the hen after all did come from the hens belly, if he were to open the hens belly wouldn't he have all the eggs he could eat? Overjoyed with his clever new idea, he sat laughing in admiration of himself. Thereupon without delay he found a pair of scissors, and proceeded to cut the hen's belly open. However, much to his disappointment, upon opening the hen's belly, he found not even one single egg. From that day on, the man was left without any eggs to eat.


郁闷:(yùmèn)adj. unhappy; upset; gloomy; depressed

根本:(gēnběn)adv. utterly; completely; entirely; at all

美滋滋:(měi zī zī])adj. very pleased with oneself

佩服:(pèifú)v. admire have a good opinion of oneself

剪刀:(jiǎndāo)n. scissors



"卵"means egg. "杀鸡取卵"literally means to kill the hen for the eggs. Later it became used as a figure of speech describing the consequence of being overly concerned with  only immediate advantage, but sacrificing long-term benefit.


1、 我们必须停止这种靠破坏环境来发展经济的做法,这和"杀鸡取卵"没什么分别。
We must stop this practice of developing economy by destroying the environment. It is no different from "killing the goose that lays the golden eggs."

2、 这个地方长期采取" 杀鸡取卵 "的做法,大量砍伐森林,破坏了环境,却不能合理利用当地资源发展经济。
This place adopts the method of "killing the goose that lays the golden eggs" which deforests and ruins the environment, but cannot reasonably take advantage of local resources to develop the economy.