
黄粱一梦huáng liáng yí mèng

黄粱一梦huáng liáng yí mèng

   相传唐朝的时候,有一位道士在一家店里遇到了一名书生。书生向道士表明他非常渴望得到荣华富贵,道士想好好劝劝书生放弃这不切实际的幻想,但是怎么劝说都 不见效,于是,道士拿来一个枕头,让书生先睡上一觉。此时店里面店主正开始做黄米饭,不一会儿,书生睡着了,他做了一个梦,在梦中,他经历了好多磨难,最 后在荣华富贵中度过了余生。做完梦后醒来,书生发现店主人蒸的黄米饭还没有熟呢。
According to legend, during the Tang Dynasty, a Taoist priest met a poor scholar at a store. He told the priest that he yearned for wealth and rank. The priest tried to persuade him to give up his unrealistic dreams, but the scholar would not listen. The priest gave the scholar a pillow to rest on. Meanwhile, the store owner began making dinner with millet. Soon after, the poor scholar fell into a deep sleep and began to dream. In the dream, he overcame many difficulties and spent the rest of his life in great wealth. When he woke up, he found that dinner was still not done.


相传:(xiāng chuán) v. according to legend

道士:(dàoshi) n. Taoist priest

渴望:( kěwàng) v. be eager for

磨难:( mónàn) adj. suffering

余生:( yúshēng) n. the remainder of one's life


"黄粱"refers to millet. "黄粱一梦"literally means that when you wake up, the millet has not been cooked. Metaphorically, it refers to an unrealistic dream. Wealth is transient dream, which ultimately is nothing more than a flash in the pan.

Sadly, it seems to be only a dream.

His dream of gaining profit by another's toil was completely crushed.