
孔融让梨Kǒngróng ràng lí

孔融让梨Kǒngróng ràng lí

    孔融小时候聪明好学,四岁时就已经会背诵很多首诗了,也很懂礼貌,父母都非常喜欢他。有一天,父亲的朋友带来了很多梨,给孔融他们吃。母亲让孔融把梨分了,孔融按照长幼次序来分,每个人都得到了自己的那份。但孔融唯独挑了个最小的梨给自己。他说:"我年纪小,应该吃小的,大梨应该给哥哥们。"父亲听了十分高兴,又问:"那弟弟也比你小啊!" 孔融说:"因为弟弟比我小,所以我也应该让着他。"

Kong Rong was a very intelligent child. At the age of four, he could already recite many poems and was extremely polite. His parents liked him very much. One day, a friend of his father brought the family a basket of pears to eat. Kong Rongs's mother asked him to distribute the pears amongst his brothers. Based on their age, Kong Rong gave each brother one pear. He then picked the smallest one for himself, saying, "I'm young so I should take small one. Elder brothers should take big ones." His father happily questioned him, "But your little brother is younger than you!" Kong Rong said, "Because he is younger than me, I should give him the bigger one."


礼貌:(lǐmào) n. politeness

年纪:(niánjì) n.age

让:(ràng) v.to yield


"孔融让梨"means to be polite and respect others.


If everyone is courteous, society will be more harmonious.

His mother bought two watches and he gave the prettier one to his sister. How well-mannered he is!