
兔死狐悲 Tù sǐ hú bēi 

兔死狐悲 Tù sǐ hú bēi


Once upon a time, a rabbit and a fox formed an alliance against the hunters. One day, while they were out in the field enjoying the beauty of nature, a group of hunters came and shot the rabbit dead.

        兔子死了,狐狸很伤心。这时,有个人经过,看见狐狸在兔子旁边哭泣,觉得奇怪,就问狐狸为什么哭。 狐狸悲哀地说:"我和兔子结盟对付猎人。现在兔子被猎人射死,说不定哪天我也会跟他一样。我们是真正的朋友,我哪能不伤心呢!"

The rabbit died and the fox was very upset. In the meantime, a person passed by. He saw the fox crying beside the rabbit and thought it strange, so he asked why he was crying. The fox said sadly, "The rabbit and I were allies against the hunters. Now she's been shot to death. Perhaps someday I will be killed like her. We were true friends. How could I not be in grief!"


对付:(duìfu) v. to cope with

结盟:( jiéméng) v. to form an alliance

哭泣:( kūqì) v. to cry

悲哀:( bēiāi) adj. sad



The literal meaning of "兔死狐悲" is that the rabbit was killed and the fox was sad. Metaphorically, it is used to describe sadness for the misfortune or death of one's kind. Later it came to have a derogatory connotation.


They both joined the competition, but Xiao Wang ended up getting eliminated in the first round. Xiao Li felt a kind of personal loss.

Recently, a celebrity committed suicide. People in the entertainmentcircle couldn't help but feel very sad for one of their own.