
做贼心虚 zuò zéi xīn xū

做贼心虚 zuò zéi xīn xū


This phrase originates from a sentence uttered by a Chan Master during the Song Dynasty. A group of people prayed piously in the temple while listening to an abbot explained Buddhist doctrine. Suddenly, one Chan Master asked an attendant next to him if there was anyone secretly viewing the abbot. The attendant thought a while and said yes. The abbot said, "Someone who committed a crime has a guilty conscience".


The meaning of this sentence is that someone who secretly looks at the abbot is afraid to be found out for what he'd done. He can't focus when he listens to the abbot explain Buddhist doctrine, so he stares secretly at him instead.


虔诚:(qiánchéng) adj. sincere

方丈:(fāngzhàng) n. abbot

禅师:(chánshī) n. a Buddhist monk

侍者:(shìzhě) n. waiter

不时:(bùshí) adv. often



Metaphorically, "做贼心虚"means people who do bad things feel uneasy, because they are afraid they will be discovered.


His guilty look immediately alerted the teacher's suspicion that he was cheating.

She blushed not because she was shy, but because she was guilty.