
沉鱼落雁 Chényú luòyàn

沉鱼落雁 Chényú luòyàn


In Ancient China there were the Four Beauties.  One of these beauties was named Xishi. She lived in the state of Yue by a small stream. Xishi was slender and lithe with beautiful eyes and a perfect nose. Everyday she would go to the nearby stream to wash her clothes. Upon seeing her reflection in the water, fish often became so lost in her beauty they would forget to swim, and sink down to the stream's floor.


Another one of the "Four Beauties," Wang Zhaojun, lived during the Han Dynasty. She was as beautiful as an angel and very gifted musically. The Emperor ordered her to marry a king in the Northern Hunnu State. On the way to the wedding, she began to play a four-stringed Chinese lute. At that very moment, a flock of wild geese flew by. The sound of her lute was so beautiful the geese quickly forgot how to flap their wings and fell to earth.


小溪:(xiăoxī) n. creek

倒映: (dàoyìng) v. to reflect (the image)

仙女:(xiānnǚ) n. fairy, angel

琵琶:(pípa) n. a plucked string instrument with a fretted fingerboard

大雁:(dàyàn) n. wild goose

动听:(dòngtīng) adj. pleasant to the ears

抖动:(dǒudòng) v. to shake


         "沉鱼落雁" 字面意义是说美丽的女人另鱼沉到水底,大雁从空中落下。形容女孩子非常美丽。

The literal meaning of "沉鱼落雁"is that the beauty of a woman  can make fish sink to the river floor and wild geese fall out of the sky. It can be used to describe a very beautiful woman.


She's so pretty, so gorgeous.

She's so beautiful she doesn't need to use make-up.