
微软(Microsoft Corp.)一名高管承认了许多科技行业观察者已经发现的事实:该公司旗舰产品Windows8软件未能达到预期。微软目前正对此进行彻底反思,以拿出应对之策。去年秋天推出的这款新操作系统本应该帮助微软及其盟友打入包括平板电脑和可转换产品在内的新型电子设备市场,同时激发消费者购买新个人电脑的兴趣。但据一些个人电脑业高管和研究公司说,这款操作系统在推出六个月之后,目前仍然没有成为一款热卖产品。

A Microsoft Corp. MSFT -1.30% executive is acknowledging what many tech watchers already knew: The company's flagship Windows 8 software hasn't met expectations, and Microsoft is turning itself inside out to respond.


Last fall's introduction of the new operating system was supposed to be an achievement to catapult Microsoft and its allies into the market for new kinds of computing devices