
世界贸易组织(WTO)的外交人员周二说,巴西驻WTO大使阿泽维多(Roberto Azevedo)当选为该组织下任总干事,成为这个贸易纠纷仲裁组织的掌舵人。WTO虽然有着协调全球贸易的远大抱负,但其斡旋角色一直受到质疑。阿泽维多今年55岁,曾有挑战欧美农业补贴政策的经历。他将接替法国社会党(Socialist)成员、出任WTO总干事已达七年之久的拉米(Pascal Lamy)。拉米没能完成WTO最重要的事业:多哈回合谈判。该谈判于近12年前启动,目的是在世界范围内降低关税,削减扭曲贸易的农业补贴。

Roberto Azevedo, Brazil's ambassador to the World Trade Organization, was selected to be the body's next director general, WTO diplomats said Tuesday, taking the helm of the arbiter of trade disputes as its role as a broker of ambitious global trade deals has been thrown into doubt.


Mr. Azevedo, a 55-year-old diplomat with a record of challenging the farm-subsidy policies of the U.S. and Europe, will succeed Pascal Lamy, a French Socialist who led the WTO for the past seven years but failed to complete the body's biggest project: the Doha Development Round, an effort launched nearly 12 years ago that aimed to lower tariffs and cut trade-distorting farm subsidies around the world.


Those talks now appear to be dead, killed by bickering between the U.S., China, India and others over a range of issues.


Now the Geneva-based WTO is at a crossroads, analysts say. The organization could serve as a forum to secure ambitious, global trade pacts like the Doha deal, or it could stick to its legally mandated role as judge and jury in trade disputes.


If the latter is the case, the head of the WTO becomes a far less-important job. Panels of technical experts are formed to decide trade disputes without interference from the leadership.

阿泽维多是首位出任WTO总干事一职的拉美人士,他的升任是新兴市场国家在全球经济中地位日渐突出的最新迹象。阿泽维多竞选这一职位时碰到的主要对手是墨西哥前贸易部长布兰科(Herminio Blanco)。布兰科是位坚定的自由贸易主义者,曾在芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)学习,师从诺贝尔经济学奖获得者卢卡斯(Robert Lucas)。布兰科还曾帮忙协商美国、墨西哥和加拿大之间的北美自由贸易协定(North American Free Trade Agreement)。

In an interview while campaigning for the job, Mr. Azevedo said he was committed to reviving talks for a global trade deal. 'Without a doubt the resumption of Doha will be one of the biggest challenges for the WTO,' he said. 'Without this pillar working, the organization freezes and loses its functionality.'


The rise of Mr. Azevedo to the top of the WTO