
德意志银行资产和财富管理部(Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management)联席首席投资长韦尔曼(Asoka Woehrmann)认为,到今年年末,金价能够涨到每盎司1,650美元,未来几年能够创下2,000美元或以上的新高。但他并不打算买入黄金,至少他不会为自己买。韦尔曼说,在上月中旬跌至两年来的低点后金价已经接近底部,一系列因素造成了这一结果,其中包括有传言说美国货币刺激政策会提前结束;市场担心其它陷入困境的欧元区国家会效仿塞浦路斯的做法,卖掉黄金储备还债。

Asoka Woehrmann, co-chief investment officer of Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management, sees gold prices rising to $1,650 an ounce by year's end and reaching a new high of $2,000 or more in coming years. But he isn't buying--at least not for himself.


Mr. Woehrmann said gold is near a bottom after tumbling to a two-year low in the middle of last month--the result of a number of factors, including talk about an early end to U.S. monetarystimulus and concerns that other struggling euro-zone nations would follow Cyprus's lead and sell gold reserves to pay the bills.


Bargain hunters, including Chinese and Indian consumers, have since stepped in, pushing prices back up to around $1,470.


Deutsche Asset, one of the world's biggest bank-owned asset and wealth managers with 944 billion euros ($1.24 trillion) under management, has investments in gold, said a spokesperson who was unable to immediately provide details.


Still, while predicting further gains for gold as global central banks push ahead with aggressive asset purchases, Mr. Woehrmann dismissed it as largely an investment for conservatives and doomsayers. He says he prefers a stream of payments, and notes the difficulties in transporting, storing and protecting gold.


'The problem is it doesn't really have a transaction value,' he told The Wall Street Journal in an interview. 'If there were a crisis and you wanted to buy, say, a bag of potatoes, you would hand over your gold bar and expect change, but the farmer would say 'Go away. You're getting nothing back from me.''


Of course, gold does have its admirers, including Mr. Woehrmann's wife. 'If I think about gold, I think about my wife,' he said.


He recalled having spent a week-long business trip in New York at the height of the global financial crisis, when the price had dropped to around $720 an ounce, and bargaining with a jeweler for a discount on a gold bracelet to give his wife on his return.


'My wife said 'What is wrong? Why are you giving me that? It's not my birthday, it's not our anniversary. What happened in New York?' ... She was really worried.'


Mr. Woehrmann showed her that the bracelet was made of small pieces which could be taken apart.

Natasha Brereton-Fukui

'I said 'In a crisis, you take one and you pay with it.' It was not romantic, but that's my investment culture.'

Natasha Brereton-Fukui