
联合国(United Nations)周二发表的一份报告说,亚洲犯罪团体从假冒商品中获得的利润已经和非法毒品贸易相差无几。这些假冒商品主要来自中国。联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(UNODC)调查了亚太大部分地区的跨国有组织犯罪。这份报告是这家机构就这一话题发表的首份报告。报告叙述了快速的经济增长如何引发了利用非法商品和人员贸易获利的犯罪网络扩张。

Counterfeit goods, mainly from China, have become as profitable for Asia's criminal gangs as illegal drug trafficking, the United Nations said in a report published Tuesday.

联合国的这份报告发现,伴随着亚洲出口的增长,包括手袋和药品在内的假冒商品的走私增多。根据世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)的数据,亚洲出口规模在过去大约10年间增长了将近三倍,达到5万亿美元。

The U.N.'s Office on Drugs and Crime, or UNODC, looked into international organized crime across much of the Asian-Pacific region. Its report, the first ever published by the agency on the topic, catalogs how rapid economic growth has led to the proliferation of criminal networks profiting from illegal trade in goods and people.


A surge in Asia's exports, which have nearly quadrupled in the past decade or so to $5 trillion, according to the World Trade Organization, has been accompanied by a rise in the trafficking of fake-branded products including handbags and medicines, the U.N. report found.


Counterfeit goods accounted for about a third of illicit trade flows in what the report, based on data in the years between 2008 and 2010, defines as the East Asia and the Pacific region. The $24.4 billion earned from fake goods, combined with the $5 billion of annual profits the U.N. estimates the region makes from trafficking fake pharmaceutical products to Southeast Asia and Africa, is close to what the international body estimates criminals made from illegal narcotics.

UNODC东南亚和太平洋地区代表道格拉斯(Jeremy Douglas)在接受采访时说,非法贸易正在迅速增长。随着全球化和经济一体化,犯罪经济也会出现整合。

Overall, the U.N. agency estimates that the smuggling of drugs, people, counterfeit goods and wildlife was worth around $90 billion a year on average during the period